Dragon Prince - Chapter Five

Apr 11, 2010 23:07

Dragon Prince
Chapter Five

Kyujong waited until Youngsaeng leaned forward over the neck of the horse in response to the suggestion that they pick up the pace, before taking action. Once he was secure Kyujong tapped the side of the horse several times in quick succession with his heals. Obediently the horse lurched forward into her fastest run. Kyujong pointed her in the direction of the line of trees in the distance and leaned down over the other man.

"Hold on. We will be there soon," he murmured softly to the man in front of him. Almost in response Youngsaeng's body shuttered and Kyujong murmured soothing words to him again.

He could hear the sound of the other two horses behind them. He hated to push their horses this hard but it was necessary. Thankfully the horse he was seated on was well trained and would do exactly as he asked for as long as he asked, even if it meant running at top speed for as long as she possibly could.

It took them half of an hour to reach the edge of the trees. Once there, Kyujong reined her in slightly to slow her pace. Then he gave her enough slack that she could pick her own way through the dense forest. Without hesitation she charged through the trees as fast as she could move.

As the horse picked her way through the forest, Youngsaeng leaned over and stroked her neck with a shaky hand. Kyujong watched as the horse shifted the direction she was moving with every touch of his fingers. He had never been able to understand the strange connection the man had with the beast but he was grateful for it.

After a few more minutes she stopped with a snort and pawed the ground restlessly. "Youngsaeng?" Kyujong asked.

"Walk," the man groaned softly.

"What is going on?" Jungmin asked as he pulled back on the reins to keep his own horse from moving behind them.

"We have to walk from here," Kyujong told him as he swung his leg over the horse’s back and lightly dropped to the ground.

Hyungjoon swung off his horse as well, "I'll help you get him down." Together he and Kyujong carefully slid Youngsaeng from the saddle. Hyunjoong followed the lead of the other men and slid from the saddle he had been pulled up onto. A moment later Jungmin did so as well.

"He won't be able to walk on his own," Kyujong informed them after eyeing the man hanging between him and Hyungjoon.

"Then we will carry him," Jungmin led his horse to a tree and tied it there before moving to join his friends.

"No," Youngsaeng said weakly, "only Kyujong."

"He can't manage you alone," Jungmin protested.

"No," Youngsaeng repeated firmly.

"I'll be alright," Kyujong said. "Help me get him up onto my back."

Jungmin and Hyungjoon exchanged looks before stepping forward to help the nearly unconscious man onto his back. While they worked at arranging his limbs, Hyunjoong stood beside the horse he had been riding stroking its sweating side absently.

Once Youngsaeng was settled on his back and held securely, Kyujong nodded. "We’ll be back."

"We will be here," Jungmin replied firmly. "Good luck."

Kyujong nodded and began to walk forward. It took them only a few minutes to disappear from the sight of their friends and only a few more for Kyujong to begin to feel tired.

"I'm sorry," Youngsaeng said softly.

"Don't be," Kyujong told him firmly, shifting the weight of the other man on his back.

"I take so much from you," Youngsaeng whispered.

"I knew exactly what I was getting into. You explained everything to me so you have nothing to be sorry for. Now which way?" Kyujong asked.

"Straight. Not far," Youngsaeng said. Then he groaned and his whole body shook.

"Youngsaeng?" Kyujong called as he paused for a moment. There was no answer and he tightened his grip on the other man and began to move through the forest as quickly as he could.

In only a few moments the thick underbrush gave way to a small dirt path. As soon as he was on this path he was able to pick up the pace once more until he was as close to running as he could get. Every step was becoming harder to take and his body longed to set down his burden for just a moment to rest. Yet every small barely audible breath from the man on his back reminded him how very little time they had.

The path twisted around and through the trees, occasionally making a sharp turn forcing him to retrace his steps in order to follow it. For a few paces it ran along a quiet stream before turning and winding up a hill. At the top of the hill sat a little cottage nestled between the trees. Panting, Kyujong carried his friend up the path to the wooden front door. He paused for a moment trying to figure out how to knock on the door and not drop his burden, but he was saved from the problem when the door swung open and a man filled the space.

"If you are lost in the forest follow the path the way you came and just keep walking," he said gruffly.

"I am here to see a friend of Youngsaeng's," Kyujong replied.

"We don't have any friends," the man said curtly.

"Please, he is dying and he said there was someone here who could help him," Kyujong insisted.

"Well he was wrong. Now leave," the man’s hand shifted to something hidden by the door.

"No. Not until I get help for him," Kyujong replied softly yet firmly.

"Suk-chul?" a sweet feminine voice called from within the house. "What is going on?" A young woman appeared behind him and as her green eyes fell on the men outside her door, they widened in surprise.

"Khemkhaeng? What trouble have you found yourself in now?” she said with a sigh. Then her eyes turned to Kyujong’s face. “You must be his temporary partner. Come in and I will see what I can do," she said warmly. "Suk-chul, for heaven’s sake, don't just stand in the doorway. Help them in. And take your hand off that sword," she said sharply.

He nodded but didn't look remorseful of his actions as he opened the door wide and gestured them inside. The young woman immediately herded them to a bed where Kyujong laid Youngsaeng down. As soon as his friend was safe, he stepped aside and let her to his side. "Now, let's see what you have done to yourself," she said gently.


As soon as Kyujong disappeared from sight, Jungmin and Hyungjoon turned back to their horses. Both men silently stripped all three horses of all of their tack, replacing it with a simple halter created from a length of rope. The things they had pulled off the horses they hung over low branches of a nearby tree.

Jungmin pulled a brush out of his saddle bag and tossed it to Hyunjoong. "We are going to collect some wood and catch some dinner. Brush down the horses and don't get any ideas of running off with them. They won't move for you." Hyungjoon offered him a smile and a shrug before both he and Jungmin slipped into the surrounding forest.

Hyunjoong smiled and moved to the horses as soon as they were gone. He didn't mind caring for the animals. At the palace he had his own specially bred and trained horse. He had been expected to take care of every aspect of its needs as well as be present and involved in all of its training. The special care he showed the animal solidified the bond between horse and rider.

The first two horses that he brushed were normal horses, well trained, but they still sniffed around the area searching for anything edible. The third horse, the one that Kyujong and Youngsaeng had been riding, was clearly different. She stood at attention, eyeing him wearily as he moved among them. When he neared her, her ears flattened and she tossed her head threateningly. The Prince pondered her for a moment and then produced a short series of clicks with his mouth. As soon as he began, her ears flicked forward as she studied him.

When he was finished making the noises he reached out his hand and she bumped it lightly with her nose. He smiled as he rubbed her head and neck briefly before beginning to brush her. “I bet they assumed I would never be able to figure you out. I wonder how he came upon a trained war horse.” She snorted and tossed her head as if the question was amusing. “I don’t think they like me very much,” Hyunjoong told her as he worked around her side brushing out the dust and grime.

“I never did anything to any of them. Of course they are all testy because their friend is dying. He is your master isn’t he,” she made a soft sound as if agreeing with him. “There is something strange about him. I can’t figure out what, but he looks like he is in his early twenties, yet he sits with the elders on clan business. Not only that but he is important enough that the entire tribe went somewhere other than where they were originally going to go to seek help for him. I could ask, but somehow I don’t think anyone will answer my question.”

“Now then, I think our boys have forgotten something,” Hyunjoong said lightly as he moved back over to the saddle bag and replaced the brush. He then moved and slipped the rope completely off the war horse. She shook her head slightly and then watched him as he went to one of the horses and untied it from the tree. He threaded the rope around behind its neck, giving the halter a crude set of reins. Then grabbing a chunk of the horse’s mane, he swung up onto its bare back. Once he was settled he nudged it to the tree and untied the third horse’s lead rope. With it in hand he turned to face the final horse who was still watching him.

“Let’s see how well you were trained,” he told her. His mouth then produced a short set of whistles that the horse appeared to be listening to. When he was finished with the whistles he produced a short noise that would command her to perform the order he had just given her. The war horse tossed her head before turning and picking her way through the trees with one ear swiveled back to listen to him and the other flicking around.

Hyunjoong turned the horse he was on and pulled the third after him as they followed her through the forest. It didn’t take her long until they broke through the trees at the edge of a stream. He slid from the back of the horse he was on and led them both to the stream. Once there he allowed them to drink and gave the warhorse the signal to do so as well. He was careful not to let them drink too much, and he pulled them away before they would have stopped themselves. When they were finished he climbed back onto the one he had ridden out and led them back to their makeshift camp with the war horse obediently followed after them.

When he arrived back where they had left their stuff for the horses, he found Hyungjoon muttering and moving around frantically. The young man looked up as he rode into the area and swung off the horse he was on. “What were you doing?!” Hyungjoon asked, half in anger.

“Watering the horses. They ran hard and needed a drink,” Hyunjoong replied calmly as he tied the two to a tree. Once they were secure he moved the war horse and stroked her soft fur calmly.

“How? No one but Youngsaeng can even brush her,” Hyungjoon asked puzzled.

“You could obviously remove her saddle,” Hyunjoong pointed out.

“We have done that before. Youngsaeng told us we would be able to anytime we wanted to, but she doesn’t let anyone do anything else.”

Hyunjoong shrugged. “She is a warhorse. If you know the right commands and she likes you, she will do anything for you.”

“You know that?” he asked confused.

“He is a prince,” Jungmin said with a scowl. He dumped an armload of dry fire wood on the ground and moved to his bag. From it he removed several strips of dried meat and handed some to Hyungjoon. “I don’t like you,” he said darkly as he walked to Hyunjoong and thrust a piece of the meat to him.

Hyunjoong gave the horse one last pat before settling on a fallen log. “Why? I don’t mind you that much.”

“I don’t like you because you are obviously playing some sort of a game,” Jungmin said darkly as he crossed his legs and settled on the ground.

“I’m not,” Hyunjoong answered honestly.

Jungmin glared and Hyungjoon cleared his throat nervously. “Why doesn’t he come get food with me and you can stay with the horses,” he offered.

“Fine,” Jungmin said darkly, looking away.

“Come on,” Hyungjoon said with a ball of line and a bag of hooks in his hands. “Let’s not give him a chance to change his mind,” he said softly. Hyunjoong sent Jungmin one last look and followed the other man back into the forest.


Dinner that night was a simple one of fresh fish roasted over the fire. None of the three men spoke much through the meal and as darkness fell, Youngsaeng and Kyujong still hadn’t returned.

“How long will we have to be out here?” Hyunjoong asked.

“How long are you going to keep playing your game, Prince?” Jungmin countered.

“An answer for an answer?” Hyungjoon suggested from the sidelines.

“Fine,” Jungmin answered. “We are going to be out here until Kyujong and Youngsaeng come back. It doesn’t matter how long that takes.”

Hyunjoong nodded. “I’m not playing a game.”

“Then why are you still here?” Jungmin asked.

“I’m a prisoner,” Hyunjoong answered simply. “What is Youngsaeng?”

“A friend,” Jungmin answered shortly. “You may be a prisoner but you are clearly fully able to steal a horse.”

“Is that your question for me?” Hyunjoong asked.

“No,” Jungmin answered. “It’s an observation.”

“That doesn’t count then,” Hyunjoong replied.

“Jungmin is right though. I’ve watched you with your morning stretches. Those are the kind soldiers do, not just someone who wants to stay fit,” Hyungjoon added. The prince remained silent.

“What is your plan involving Micha?” Jungmin asked sharply.

“I have no plan involving her. She is simply curious so I show her what she wants to know. Why do you dislike me?” the prince asked curiously.

“I don’t like dishonest people. You have been pretending to be our captive but you could have escaped at anytime. Why are you still here?” Jungmin replied.

“I’m not being dishonest. You have never asked what the extent of my skills are. I am still here because there is knowledge here that I am seeking. Does everyone defer to the leadership of your clan to Soojin?” Hyunjoong asked.

“Yes,” Jungmin said shortly. “What knowledge?”

“Youngsaeng used a form of dragon magic, or someone did through him. It is a forbidden dangerous magic. I am obligated to look into it. Does Soojin have power over Myungki?” the Prince asked.

“It was an illusion and nothing more,” Jungmin replied.

“Illusions can’t transport people. I have seen dragon magic. Only the king is allowed to wield it,” the prince answered.

“And why do you think that is?” although he couldn’t see Jungmin’s face in the darkness, he could hear the sneer in the comment.

“He is the only person who has enough knowledge and is wise enough to use it,” Hyunjoong said with a shrug. It was something he had known since he was a boy.

The laugh that Jungmin produced was bitter. “If that is wisdom, then our country is doomed.”

“The king protects the country, from people like your clan who only seek to destroy it,” Hyunjoong responded.

“How dumb are you?!” Jungmin exploded. “Look around you little prince! We are in the middle of nowhere trying to save one of our own from what the ‘wisdom’ of your father has done. We have spent all the time you have been with us doing just that. Somehow I fail to see how any of this is destruction caused by my clan.”

“Youngsaeng is obviously a great asset. It is logical that you would seek for his healing before carrying out whatever plot you have planned.”

“When we return to the camp, I am putting you in chains,” Jungmin hissed. Then he rose stiffly from his seat by the fire. “I’m taking first watch,” he declared before storming off into the trees.

Hyungjoon sighed. “Try not to have any hard feelings against him. His mother is head of our clan and some day he might have to take over that position. It bothers him that the truth has been so hidden for so long.”

“Then why doesn’t he just speak the truth?” Hyunjoong offered, curious as to what exactly Hyungjoon was talking about.

“It wouldn’t matter if he did. It will take a lot more than just words for the truth to get heard,” Hyungjoon replied. The young man threw a stick that he had been playing with into the fire and rose to his feet. “You should probably get some sleep. Who knows what will be happening tomorrow.” He didn’t wait to see if the prince listened to his words before he turned and followed his friend into the woods.

Hyunjoong took the young man’s advice and stretched out on the ground. Despite his efforts he could not get his mind to settle enough to actually sleep. Jungmin had been right. For a people that were supposed to be evil and savage the gypsies had been nothing of the sort. They hadn’t exactly been welcoming but he wasn’t treated like a prisoner either. On top of that, they hadn’t done anything but try everything in the power to save one of their own. Those thoughts unsettled him enough that it took a long time for sleep to wash over him. When it finally did, his dreams were troubled.

Chapter Six


AN: As promised here is the next chapter. I think this is coming along nicely and we are finally to the point where answers will start to materialize. ^_^

ss501, fanfiction, dragon prince

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