From the Soul to the Song - Verse Twenty One

Jan 13, 2010 19:24

AN I couldn't wait any longer! You all are so spoiled, but you spoil me with your comments so it is only fair. ^_^ Enjoy!

From the Soul to the Song
Verse Twenty One

“Siwon, please. You have to kill me,” Hankyung begged desperately.

Siwon could feel the lack of pressure pushing against his blade and he took a step backwards, lowering his sword as he did so. “Hankyung, tell us what is going on so we can help you,” he pleaded.

Hankyung threw his sword as far from himself as he could. “You can’t help me. I don’t even know how long I can do this.” He stepped forward to and grabbed Siwon’s upper arms. “It’s Keiran,” he hissed, the words filled with disgust. “He wants to kill Heechul and take his Song and then all of you. Please, there is no other way.”

“There has to be,” Siwon declared.

“There isn’t!” Hankyung said sharply. “Siwon, as my brother I am asking you to,” he stopped abruptly and took a sharp breath. He stepped back, eyes wide and his hands released Siwon’s arm to lift and clutch at his head. Then Hankyung screamed.

Siwon took a step forward but Hankyung scrambled backwards away from him. As abruptly as it had begun, the screaming stopped and Hankyung dropped his hands. He smirked and cracked his neck first one way, then the other. “Sorry about that,” he said with a sneer. “I wasn’t in my right mind. Now where were we?” He held out his hand and his blackened sword lifted from the ground and sped back to him.

“Oh that’s right,” he said lazily as his fingers closed firmly around the hilt. “I was having some fun before I kill you.” With a laugh, Hankyung lunged at Siwon, who blocked his attack as quickly as he could.

“Sungmin,” Leeteuk said as he moved to Kyuhyun to take Sungmin’s place supporting him. “You have to fly as fast as you can and find someone, anyone that can help us.”

“But I can’t,” Sungmin said quietly.

Kyuhyun groaned and clenched his eyes shut. He took a deep breath and released it in a shudder. “There now you can.”

“Thanks,” Sungmin said softly.

“Hurry,” Kyuhyun replied. Sungmin nodded and leapt into the air, and then he was gone.

“Aw the little one goes for help,” Hankyung said with a laugh. He leapt back as he separated his blade from Siwon’s. “It doesn’t matter. There is no one that can help you.” He tossed his blade from one hand to the other as if playing with it. “I wonder. Maybe I should see how much I can take from you before I kill you. I wonder what it would do to your Song if I tarnished your precious morals.”

Hankyung laughed darkly. Suddenly he blurred from view only to still and reappear directly behind Siwon, proving that he possessed speed and abilities far greater than anything the other man could muster. “I wonder,” he whispered softly into the man’s ear. “What would happen to your Song if I took something precious from you? Do you know that I could do that here and now and there would be nothing you could do to stop me?”

Siwon shuttered and spun swinging his sword wildly, but Hankyung was gone leaving only the echo of his laughter by the man.

“Or maybe,” his voice came from within the group of Super Junior itself and all of the members turned shocked to face Hankyung who was standing behind Henry with his sword to his throat. “Maybe I should try the little one here. I can tell he hasn’t been touched. Wouldn’t that be such a fun time? I’ve never had a Player to play with.”

Heechul snarled and took a step forward. “It’s me you want.”

Hankyung laughed. “Oh don’t be so full of yourself Princess. We’ll get to that eventually.” He paused for a moment and then narrowed his eyes at Yesung who was focused on him in concentration. “You might want to knock that off. You never know what might happen.”

A moment later Ryeowook cried out and took a step backwards clutching a dagger that had been embedded in his stomach. Hankyung had created it and thrown it without anyone having even seen it. Yesung snarled and threw a blast of pure light at Hankyung. The man laughed darkly and it fizzled out of existence right in front of him.

“Your fight is with me!” Siwon called, arriving at the group. He swung his sword at Hankyung’s unprotected back. The other man blurred and disappeared, leaving Siwon to turn his blade just in time and pull his blow enough that he only tapped Henry lightly with the flat of his blade. He didn’t waste time apologizing instead he spun and his sword rang out as it came into contact with Hankyung’s. He put all of his energy in driving Hankyung back and away from his friends.

Kangin was immediately at Ryeowook’s side. He pulled the dagger from his stomach and covered the wound with his hands to stop the blood. Instantly the area began to heal itself under Kangin’s encouragement. Ryeowook groaned quietly and clenched his eyes shut. “Yesung,” he called weakly.

Immediately Yesung was at his side. “I’m here,” he said softly.

“Don’t do anything stupid,” Ryeowook ordered.

“I’m sorry. This is my fault. I shouldn’t have tried to unravel his Song,” Yesung said as he lifted Ryeowook’s head and placed it gently in his lap.

“Idiot,” Ryeowook scolded. His hand sought out and grasped one of Yesung’s tightly. “I would have done the same thing.” He released a sigh as his wound sealed shut under Kangin’s hands.

Once finished, Kangin rose and created one of his strongest shields around the group. “How much more blood will I wear before this night is over,” Kangin said quietly, lifting blood stained hands.

Leeteuk quickly grasped one of his hands with his own. “Hopefully no more,” he said with what he hopped was a reassuring smile.

Heechul grunted as he threw Weaving after Weaving to Siwon. Weavings to make him faster and stronger. Weavings to provide a minor bit of protection. He wished that he could be the one out there, trying to bring Hankyung back to his senses, but he knew he would never be able to keep up. Not only that, it was clear that Hankyung was just playing with them all. He had demonstrated superior speed and power that could out match the best of them and very likely even a Light One.

Hankyung spun and swung his sword down, letting it crash against Siwon’s for a moment before dancing away in a mockery of Hankyung’s true grace. Again he lunged and Siwon brought up his blade to block. At the last moment, Hankyung’s form blurred and Siwon knew that there was nothing he could do but prepare himself for the blow.

When Hankyung stopped moving it wasn’t Siwon who was injured but Hankyung. He had thrown himself on Siwon’s blade and taken the sword straight through the left side of his chest. He stumbled forward and Siwon released his blade in favor of catching the man carefully.

“Hankyung!” Heechul screamed. He lunged forward, and Kangin dropped the shield just in time that he avoided crashing into it as he began his desperate run towards the men.

“Hankyung,” Siwon gasped, in surprise and sorrow. The anger faded from Hankyung’s face, to be replaced with relief as Siwon lowered him to the ground gently. He was careful not to touch or move the sword protruding from Hankyung’s chest so as to not make the wound worse. “Why?”

“He was going to torture you and everyone else,” Hankyung said softly, weakly.

“We could have found a way to stop him. To help you,” Siwon said.

Hankyung shook his head. “You didn’t see the things he was planning. Horrible things.”

“Hankyung!” Heechul cried sharply as he skidded to a stop at Hankyung’s other side. “You moron! What the hell were you thinking?!” Heechul looked around wildly for Kangin. “Get over here!” he screamed.

Kangin, with the rest of Super Junior, clustered around Hankyung. He knelt beside him and stared at the wound gravely. “Heechul you have to remove the sword. I can’t heal him with it in there.” Heechul nodded and grabbed the sword hilt carefully. With a grunt he jurked it free from Hankyung’s chest and threw it as far from them as he could. The sword vanished into thin air before it even hit the ground. Instantly Kangin’s hands covered the wound in the other man’s chest, his eyes closed in deep concentration.

Hankyung smiled weakly and lifted a hand to Heechul’s face. “He was lying,” he said softly.

Heechul clutched his hand to his cheek desperately. “I know that you idiot.”

“I love you so much. There is so much to love about you. I only wish I could tell you all of it.”

“Don’t say that!” Heechul snarled fiercely. The other man’s words sounded to much like a final wish. “Don’t you dare say that!”

“Oh,” Vidyagauri’s voice joined them suddenly, filled with surprise and shock.

Heechul’s head snapped up to glare at her. “Do something!”

She nodded. “I’ll try.” She placed her hands on either side of Hankyung’s head and closed her eyes in concentration.

Hankyung smiled slowly. “It’s a waste of time,” he said softly.

“Don’t you dare!” Heechul snarled. “You’re stronger then this!”

“You’re safe. That is all that matters,” Hankyung said weakly. He smiled. Ryeowook choked back a sob and buried his face in Yesung’s chest as the other man held him tightly. Donghae trembled from between Kibum and Eunhyuk. “You are all safe,” satisfaction filled Hankyung’s voice.

His eyes fluttered shut and Heechul slapped his cheek. “Don’t you dare! You made this mess and you sure as hell are going to be around to clean it up!” Hankyung opened his eyes and smiled.

“I’ve done what I can,” Vidyagauri said softly. “Keiran is sealed away.”

Heechul nodded and then looked desperately to Kangin. “Why isn’t he healed?! Why is he still bleeding?!”

Kangin shook his head, eyes wide, and pressed his hands more firmly to the wound. “I don’t know. I’m trying!” He was pumping all the power that Leeteuk could offer into Hankyung’s body, yet it didn’t seem to want to knit itself back together. Heechul turned his head to glare at Vidyagauri who took a silent step back.

Hankyung laughed weakly. “Kangin can’t heal what the body could never heal on its own. There is nothing he can do. Heechul, you need to remember that Keiran was lying. I love you. Remember that.”

“What, do you think you are going to die and I am going to turn into one of those widows who own a thousand cats and is convinced that they are unlovable? Think again you bastard! You aren’t getting off that easily!” Heechul snarled.

Hankyung laughed weakly. “Siwon, take care of him,” he said softly. “Thank you Kangin, for giving me time to say what I needed to. You can stop wasting you energy now.”

“It will work!” Kangin said fiercely.

Again, Hankyung laughed. Then he sighed. His eyes slipped closed and Heechul slapped him again. This time it produced no response in the man. Again Heechul’s hand met his flesh, “Hankyung! Open your eyes! Hankyung!” he screamed over and over again.

Wide eyed, Kangin heard what no one else could. The sound of Hankyung’s heartbeat slowing, growing weaker and weaker until suddenly it stopped, and did not start again.

Verse Twenty Two


Character Information

AN: *hides in a hole* Please please please just trust me on this!

I was surprised and pleased that no one really saw this coming. Pleased mostly because I did drop hints but it still caught you all of guard. Most of you realized after last chapter that Hankyung stabbing Hyuk could have been one and it was. His roughness with Heechul was one too. There were many other more subtle things throughout as well, things that would have been borderline out of character for him but that he could pass off. Kudos to pcd_intraining for guessing who was behind it all and to draecia who guessed that it was the small cut in chapter one that started this, it was but you will find out more about that later.

Let me know what you think and don't worry I won't leave you dangling off this cliff for long. The next chapter will probably be up tomorrow night. The link to download the album has been added to the masterlist for easy locating.

from the soul to the song, fanfiction, super junior

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