From the Soul to the Song - Refrain Three

Dec 22, 2009 15:04

From the Soul to the Song
Refrain Three

There was silence in the joint dorm of the, in their opinion, more experienced group of men in Sanctuary. All ten men from DBSK and SS501 sat for a moment of strange strained silence while staring at their partners. They had all been aware that being mated to ones partner allowed one a faster connection time. In Changmin’s eyes, that was akin to achieving maxim download speed. However they hadn’t known that they could also receive a large power boost.

The offer was a strangely tempting one. It was no secret that the members of Super Junior were growing and learning fast. In no time at all they would be capable of holding their own against their teachers and none of the men in the room liked the idea of losing.

Changmin glanced at Yunho, his partner in battle and his Weaver. ’Well if it is for more power maybe I could,’ he thought to himself. The moment the thought really registered he gagged. He did not just think about sleeping with his male band mate. Changmin clenched his eyes shut and then blinked them open again. Oh yes, he had just thought that.

Yunho shuttered as well. “Did you just…”

“Yeah,” Changmin muttered.

“Me too. Excuse me while I go burn out whatever brain cells just thought that,” Yunho declared climbing to his feet.

Changmin nodded. No matter what he had just thought he didn’t like men like that. Did he?


Jaejoong was lying on his bed, shuffling through songs on his iPod when Hyunjoong walked into his room. He was well accustom to the man just entering whenever he liked and was not surprised in the least to feel the bed beside him dip with another person’s weight. Feeling the man looming over his shoulder showing great curiosity to what he was doing was no surprise either.

“I was thinking. If we have sex we can get the extra power boost. It’s just sex,” Hyunjoong said casually as he rested his chin on Jaejoong’s shoulder. “Good song,” he commented pointing at the screen as Jaejoong scrolled by a song.

He hummed in agreement. “I know Yunho and Changmin won’t be, even for extra power. Yoochun and Junsu might, but we still have the elemental advantage over them.”

“Jungmin and Hyungjoon will probably never get around to doing anything. It took them half a year to figure out they could lift themselves into the air and not just random objects. Kyujong and Youngsaeng might,” Hyunjoong contemplated.

“I say we just go for it. Either way we have a one up,” Jaejoong lifted himself from his laying position and set his iPod on the dresser by the table. He then pulled off his shirt and proceeded to strip the rest of the way. Hyunjoong followed his lead, folding his clothes and placing them on the floor beside Jaejoong’s.

“I haven’t seen this in person,” Hyunjoong said. He lifted a hand and traced the newest tattoo on Jaejoong’s body, the words right over his heart. “I like the sentiment,” he said as he outlined the elegant scroll of ‘Always keep the faith’.

“Me too,” Jaejoong replied with a smile. They sat there for a moment looking at one another and in Hyunjoong’s case, occasionally around the room.

“Do you think it counts if we just masturbate beside each other?” Hyunjoong asked curiously.

Jaejoong pondered it for a minute. “I don’t know. I’ll go ask.” He got off the bed and was half way to the door before Hyunjoong called his name.

“Your pants,” he said with a knowing smirk and threw the mentioned object at the man.

Jaejoong caught them and blushing lightly at the thought that he would have been walking off to talk to a woman completely nude. He pulled them on quickly and then went back for his shirt just for good measure. Once dressed, he slipped from the room to go ask Vidyagauri his question.


By end of 15 minutes of deep pondering, Changmin had decided that he most certainly was not attracted to men. Junsu unclothed was terrifying in itself, but the thought of touching him while he was in that state just made Changmin shudder. Yoochun was as equally a bad. At least Junsu had a decent butt. Even Jaejoong, their most feminine looking in facial structure, was not attractive to him. Satisfied that he was attracted to none of his members, all of whom he had seen entirely unclothed, Changmin felt more at peace with himself.

“Don’t give yourself a headache from thinking too hard,” Jaejoong teased on his way back to his room. Changmin simply offered him a rude gesture.

Jaejoong was half way down the hall before he turned around and yelled, “Oh by the way, if you want to have sex with Yunho, it has to be full penetration to count!” He waited long enough to see Changmin turn green before smirking and heading down the hall.


“Full penetration,” Jaejoong announced as he reentered the room.

Hyunjoong set aside whatever it was that he had been inspecting and nodded. “I thought it might be.”

“I wonder if we have to do it multiple times? Or if just once will work?”

Hyunjoong shrugged. “I guess we can find out.”

Jaejoong nodded and removed his clothing once more. He sat on the bed and glanced at Hyunjoong. He was about to reach for the other man when something occurred to him. “Do you know how this penetration stuff works?”

“In theory. I have heard bits and pieces so I guess sort of. You?”

“Do you think fanfiction is accurate?” They shared a pondering look before both men sighed.

“I’ll go ask,” Hyunjoong volunteered this time. He pulled his clothing on before slipping from the room and leaving an unclothed Jaejoong reclining on the bed.


Since the time flowed differently between Earth and Sanctuary, Changmin had discovered early on that cable programming went with Earth time, not Sanctuary’s. That meant that at any given time on a cable channel all that could be seen would be a still image. This image could remain for months before Earth time progressed enough to shift it one frame forward. Despite this television viewing issue, it would serve Changmin’s purpose well.

He flipped through the still images from channel to channel until the television flashed on the one he wanted. Instantly his body reacted to it and he smiled satisfied. Somehow he had managed to find probably the only still that was focused nicely on a woman’s cleavage. Changmin planned to spend the next forty five minutes at the very least reminding himself just how attracted to women he was.

“Nice,” Hyunjoong commented appreciatively on the way back to Jaejoong’s room.

“Aren’t they?” Changmin replied with satisfaction coloring his voice.

“Almost as nice as the ones Yunho had at one point in time,” he said with a particularly naughty grin. He moved back off down the hall.

Changmin gulped and paled. Suddenly the television image was not so attractive any more.


“Hey guys, there was this note taped outside our door,” Eunhyuk said as he carried the piece of paper into the common room where about half the members were gathered.

“What does it say?” Donghae asked without looking up from the intense war between him and Kyuhyun on the videogame system.

“It says: ‘Mandatory Sexual Education for Beginners course at 6:00PM tomorrow night in the weapons hall. All Ensouled must attend.’” By the time he was done reading Eunhyuk’s cheeks were flushed bright red.

“Hopefully they have an advanced course,” Heechul said with a smirk. “I don’t need a beginning one.”

“It also says,” Eunhyuk continued. “’Anyone who is not in attendance will be found and dragged to the meeting by Chanita.’”

“Great. There goes my night,” and around the room several men echoed Heechul’s feelings.

Verse Fourteen


AN: From the moment I created Vidyagauri's back story this idea has existed. I'm excited that I can finally share it. I figure everyone in the fandom could use some cheer right now. Just to reassure all of you, don't worry, this fiction will continue uninterrupted no matter what happens (well with the exception of my computer or internet taking a turn for the worst or some horrible sickness or natural disaster...) ^_^

from the soul to the song, fanfiction, super junior

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