Desperate fangirl

May 13, 2011 23:13

I'm desperately in need of Kangteuk now TT_TT

Sushow 3 VN has a lot (2) of Wonteuk moments and that makes my heart hurt. Really much u u It's not that I hate Siwon or the couple, but I only love Kangteuk and it feels like I haven't seen them in ages D: I miss appa TT_TT

Last night I dreamed of him, in military uniform. I hugged him I cried a lot in my dream =]]]] I remember calling him appa too =]]]]]]] wow I must be really desperate =]]]

anyway, thanks to the crisis I have done a KT fanart xD

what do you think ?

genre:appa/umma, mem:kangin, mem:leeteuk, fanart, pairing:kangteuk

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