Title: For the Sometimes
Author: kastari
Summary: Once a year. The monsters come out. He’s afraid of the dark.
Characters: Bill Adama
Rating: T
Word Count: 200
Author’s Note: Written for the 6th
ar_drabbles . Prompt: Bill’s birthday. (I am not using canon for Bill’s age because RDM’s idea doesn’t fly with me.)
Additional Note: This is a companion drabble to
"Monsters" written for the 5th
ar_drabbles challenge. Prompt: Dialogue only-in the dark. Thanks to
bugsfic for the staccato,
lacklusterfic for my 2nd line &
frakcancer for the beta & believing. (Yeah, I'm not ready for songfic, either -- shudder -- so, I'm following
bugsfic 's lead & posting one more Bill's birthday drabble.
Disclaimer: I’m just playing in Universal’s sandbox.
For the Sometimes
It was the 53rd anniversary of their deaths. He never allowed himself to remember it as anything other than tragic. Technically he was 64, but a death day was no cause for celebration.
He didn’t do his birthday.
It was ridiculous to think in terms of having lost his mother and sister. He didn’t lose them; they were dead. Time didn’t heal all and he’d never be ‘over it.’
Death wasn’t some hurdle.
Willie Adama was handed a new reality that day the MAGLEVE23 train was bombed on Caprica. William Adama still hadn’t adjusted to living it.
Drinking helped.
Each year it was a practiced ritual.
End of day. Hatch closed. Alone. Flood of memories. Alcohol.
Pour whisky. Take a drink. Retreat to bedroom.
Jacket off. Throw on chair. Whiskey on table. Sit. Untie laces. Boots off. Another drink. Memories.
What the frak?
She knows his history. How he feels. About his fear.
Laura Roslin dared.
A gift.
Brown package. Red ribbon. On rack.
Sometimes he wondered if giving her all access was such a smart idea.
Deep breath. Long sigh. Healthy drink. Stands. Takes package. Sits. Unties ribbon. Opens box. Note inside.
For the sometimes.
A sturdy silver flashlight.