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kassidy62 September 6 2014, 18:36:20 UTC
aw, I'm sorry we don't have the stories you were looking forward to. I can sympathize with that! The only ones that are filled are at the bottom of the listing, and they do have links. Seven of them I think? None you'd like except maybe that ping you mentioned for SPN porn, I did fill that, a short, AU story set at the end of season 7 right after the trials.

I will be SURE to post an LJ entry if we fill the S&H prompts. They sound good, don't they? I love when a fannish friend likes the darker stories with us:)


kassidy62 September 6 2014, 18:41:59 UTC
You know, I used to be a one-fandom person - hard to believe now, and I'd place a lot of that at Cass's door. She's very open to new stuff and I am moreso now because of her. I don't actively participate in many fandoms (and not often anymore) - I have a core set of ASJ, S&H, SPN and POTA. I like those other shows/books/movies/comics and read fan fiction in them occasionally.
Are you a one-fandom kind of person?


tipitiwitchet September 6 2014, 18:39:09 UTC
They look pretty all laid out like that, don't they?

I'm reminded of this quote from the Me and Thee list: "Cassandra and Kassidy both write quite dark stories, not to everyone's tastes."

Thank goodness we have each other : ) *mwah*


kassidy62 September 6 2014, 18:51:08 UTC
I think they look quite beautiful! Yes, we are dark, and we like dark. In fact I remember venturing into SPN with a specific goal of finding dark, since S&H wasn't giving me that.

That quote is very true. Wasn't someone scarred so much after my zine they didn't read fiction for a good long while? I don't mind saying that I don't understand that, or the fact that whoever it was kept reading when the experience was obviously traumatic.


tipitiwitchet September 6 2014, 18:56:07 UTC
Oh yes, that quote came from the same conversation. This was what was said (forgive me if the formatting is off - copy/paste from Yahoo Groups is spotty at best): "Truth to tell the zine that stopped my Starsky & Hutch reading in its tracks and sent me off to read outside the fandom (and I have had trouble getting back to it ever since) is Blood and Destiny. The bookmark is still on page 61."

I get to see you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!


kassidy62 September 6 2014, 19:32:17 UTC
I would have respectfully disagreed that it was the zine that caused her to stop reading S&H. A person who decides to read a zine which warns there ARE no warnings has made a decision, and moreso if they know the act of doing so could harm their reading habits irreparably. At the very least, they could chose to stop reading when a story begins to bother rather than waiting until the point where they feel scarred by the thing.

I admit that it's hard to feel empathy when the issue is described in what sounds to me like hysteria and finger-pointing, and accusations that the zine has ruined their S&H fannish reading altogether, when they could have put the book down.


gryphon2k September 7 2014, 21:27:24 UTC
by all that's unholy... that PotA prompt.




hardboiledbaby September 7 2014, 21:37:07 UTC
Well thought out prompts that feed your muse are priceless :)


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