this is actually a mac computer ad from 1984, just with hilary put on the screen instead of 'big brother.' at the end, it says something like introducing the new macintosh computer. you'll see why 1984 won't be like '1984.'
Yeah, I think that's one of the really awesome things about the ad. Apparently, the ad was one of the biggest deals ever--I think it premiered during the Super Bowl that year. Like, revolutionary in its vision for framing a concept around a product instead of just the product. That's what makes this piece all the stronger: it pits Hillary as someone who's selling her name and her image and the fact that she's a woman, while ignoring the concepts that got her that name and image, which is kind of loose politics. At the same time, based on Apple's history with this ad, it suggests that Obama has the depth of concept and something that's not "politics as usual." Now, I don't necessarily think that Obama's much better than Hillary when it comes to taking a stand on anything, but it's a smart, smart piece.
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