LOG: Discovery!

Jun 05, 2011 11:42

Date: Day 11, Month 12, Turn 25
Location: Beach, Western Island
Synopsis: Soylent treasure is... people?

I stole part of this log from taikrin_nc

It's the eleventh day of month twelve, turn 25. It's a cool, autumn day, with a hearty breeze but surprisingly few clouds; for once, there's no suggestion at all of rain. It's a normal day for the time of turn: there is absolutely nothing about it that is out of the ordinary. It's late afternoon, now, and though sunset is still a ways off, the shadows are beginning to lengthen.

Dragon> A cold breeze, one that speaks of ice and snow to come, heralds Szadath's sudden appearance. << Hey. >> There's an underlying sense of impatience, an urge to /go/, under his casual tones. << Heard you were free. Want to hunt with us today? >> He shares their latest waypoint, a tiny spit of rock amidst the storm-tossed ocean. << Could use another good set of wings. >> (Szadath to Rielsath)

Dragon> To Szadath, Rielsath is soaking up that arctic sun, cool undertones glinting brightly with blinding light off of snowbanks. Alertness, the same restlessness. << We'll be ready. >>

Dragon> To Rielsath, Szadath rumbles his satisfaction, a thin twist of smoke twining in the cold breezes of his mind. << Awesome. Isforaith and Zaxameth will be joining us when they are free. >> The brown is hovering a few lengths above the bowl, Taikrin already bundled up and astride. << We go when you are ready. You know the treasure we are looking for, right? >>

Dragon> To Szadath, Rielsath is there in two heartbeats, pale wings wide as she skims along the bowl and rises to meet Szadath. << I am always free, >> She asserts with a rush of sparks, enthusiasm building. << Yeah, /that/ treasure. We've been searching too, >> The gold wheels once or twice, Lu's arm raising in a wave to Taikrin amidst the loops. << Let's go get 'em! >>

Dragon> To Rielsath, Szadath re-sends the image of the deserted island, complete with all the detail necessary to actually go between. << We're the best treasure-finders. >> It's just a statement of fact, really. << We're going to share with our wing and Iskiveth, when we find the ships with the jewels. >> Another moment of hovering, and then he wings forward with an ebullient, << We go! >> And then: between!

Dragon> To Szadath, Rielsath projects, << Of course we're the best, >> Rielsath asserts with a flash, lights dancing and dimming as she takes on the image of their destination, shadows of between chasing across her mind. << Iskiveth /and/ me. >> A beat behind Szadath, she follows into the cold darkness and certain adventure. << Race ya! >> >>

WEST-SKY> The island over which Szadath appears from between is, indeed, totally barren. But the rocky atoll is distinctive amidst the rolling waves, and that's all that matters. Far off to the south-east are a set of smudges leading off towards the horizon - they might be a tiny archipelago, or it might be an illusion of surf and shadow. At this distance, it's hard to tell. He glances over his right ring as Rielsath follows, maneuvering to fly evenly with the larger gold. On his back, Taikrin gestures towards the south-- apparently this is their next location to search.

Dragon> To Rielsath, Szadath is more than a little pleased at Rielsath's exclamation, the tenor of his mindvoice rising in volume apace with his enthusiasm. << We /are/! >> A pause of seriousness, as he orients towards the east and surges forward, then: << This is our next to search. We are watching for wood or anything interesting. We saw a shipfish /this big/ the other day. >> The image - some sort of marine creature, grown to half the length of a green dragon. Exaggerated? Maybe.

It's actually kind of a beautiful day, as these things go for the island: the sky is clear, and though there's a definite cool breeze, the sun has warmed the sand up throughout the day. Late afternoon sees the beach thrumming with activity. The catch has been big today, and many of the crews are on their way in; others are already working on salting fish to save for the winter ahead, while others still are engaged in any number of other tasks. In all: an ordinary enough day, for the time of turn, despite the better-than-average weather.

WEST-SKY> Lujayn nods emphatically, a motion mimicked by Rielsath's swooping line of flight. It's a craggy place, just perfect for those shipwrecks they've been dreaming of. They continue towards the line of islands, the boisterous queen's flight brought back to a straight line after some coaxing.

Amidst the bustle, Rilka is stretched out on the beach, her bare feet dug deep into the sun-warmed sand. She was gathering shellfish, this morning, but as the afternoon wears on she's been put to work with the salting crew: carefully packing gutted fish together with sea salt to preserve them from times when the catch is not so plentiful. Despite the busyness of the afternoon, she's apparently quite content; she hums as she works, a tuneless little song that is probably reminiscent of half a dozen things without being true to any of them.

Emmeline finds herself assigned to fish-salting duty today as well, but anyone who knows her well enough recognizes that anything which involes the gutting and cleaning of fish makes her totally green. Still, she works tight-lipped and without complaint, though there's precious little ability to be relaxed amidst the work for her. And some of the littles that she and Ani teach figure it's an awesome idea to fling gish heads and guts at the teacher. Fun times!

Kiyora is letting the younger crews do their strenuous work, fetching large baskets of salted fish back to the settlement and bringing discarded shells to the shore. She pauses a moment to watch them scatter, ripples fading. Then it's back to the relay lines, checking up on the younger helpers - the salters, a boy trying to mend a snapped net, a crew gathering shellfish. All's well and she keeps moving.

Dragon> To Szadath, Rielsath bounces sunbeams off of the crashing waves, dappling her dreams of treasure with this flattering spotlight. << What is interesting? >> She wonders suddenly, images of a bejeweled monster-fish coming to mind, scales armored with jewels and gold. << Is /that/ interesting to you? >> Watching those southeastern isles, straining to get there fast, faster, diving low to look for sunken wrecks and glittering wealth.

WEST-SKY> Not long into the flight, Taikrin digs out a flask and proceeds to sip from it steadily. After a moment she glances over towards Lujayn, then waves it questioningly at the goldrider. Meanwhile, the brown trumpts at Rielsath, just for the joy of making noise, and dives down towards a bit of flotsam floating atop the waves. He climbs back up, though, all disappointment: just a tangle of seaweed and a rotting fish, nothing interesting. Still, the first of the islands in the archipelago is drawing steadily nearer.

At no time does laundry ever stop piling in, and so as there are no pregnancies to attend to and no newborns to birth, Evali is washing bedclothes in a rock pool. It's perhaps not the cleanest water in the world, but it suffices, for now. She's humming just the tiniest bit to herself as she does so.

The early morning fishing group that normally heads out to the far island is only just now on its way back to the main island. The group is quite jocular and seemingly in good spirits for a good day's catch. The group includes Riorde, Xoami, and Devaki -- the latter of whom is, unaccountably, drenched. Apparently he lost some bet, or horseplay, or something, though he doesn't seem particularly bothered by it right now; he's swinging the basket and occasionally throwing a cheerful mock-punch at Xoami, or Riorde, or whoever's nearest to him as they wander along the beach.

The day's labors have torn and tugged at Xavior's half-hearted attempt to keep his shaggy hair contained, releasing random clumps of tendrils to fall about his narrow features as he ambles up out of the sea carrying a cash of fish. This he carefully places beside Rilka, offering her a smile that is an unspoken apology for adding to her labors. His clear voice spares few words, "We were well rewarded today."

Dragon> << That is interesting! Where did you find it? Is there one for me? >> Szadath withdraws, momentarily, then returns glumly: nothing interesting on the waves. << Those islands are interesting. It's bigger than the base we have now. >> (Szadath to Rielsath)

WEST-SKY> Rielsath is intent on the islands now, bugling a singsong reply to Szadath's trumpeting. She stays low to the waves even as he rises, eyes whirling excitedly as they peer for any hint, the slighest clue that they are on the right track. Both dragon and rider are sprayed with seafoam, the flask turned down by a soaking - but grinning - Lujayn.

Shimana is here, pacing down the length of the beach on what was presumably a circumnavigation of the island (or a part of it, at least). Her gaze is, as usual, out on the horizon despite the lack of anything much of interest out there today.

The /very/ observant will note a tiny mote of darkness against the blue of the western sky.

Viremi is there, too -- the elder clutching at the stick that braces his left leg as he makes his way slowly down to the beach. Pausing, briefly, he catches sight of his granddaughter, and makes his way slowly towards Evali, with a gruff, wordless greeting.

Riorde is wet too, but not to the same extent as Devaki. Soaking trousers show that she's been in the water to the waist, but her top half is more or less dry beyond the odd water patch. The girl is visibly gloating, her stern face wreathed in a smirk. "Told you," she says smugly, swinging her basket by her side and threatening to lash out with it at Devaki. "You're gutting these." Though he likely doesn't need reminding. It's the fifth time thus far.

Giving a small shudder at one well placed childish prank, Emme turns her stare on the kids till they giggle and start to scatter. And then, she takes the time to flick apebble over Evali's way to get her attention. "Wanna trade? Laundry for salting?" Oh yeah, she knows the answer is likely to be no, so her smile is a bit mischeivous. And noticing the group of early fishers that include her friends wandering in, she makes sure to lift her hand in a wave. Thus, she is not observant.

Rilka's humming comes to a halt as Xavior adds his catch to her workload, though the glance she aims up at him is nothing less than approving. "The sea honours us," she agrees, her usual sing-song alive and well in the reply. "We shall give it praise, tonight, I think. The clear skies will not last for long, and winter--" She need not finish /that/ particular sentence. "It is a good day, today, I think."

"You're wet!" Evali calls over a bunch of people's heads at Devaki, completely disinterested in most of the other people mulling around. But her brother being wet catches her attention -- as does Viremi's presence, and she stops her washing to grin up at him. "Hallo, granddad -- I'll keep this, thanks," she adds as an aside to Emmeline as she ducks the pebble just enough to make sure it doesn't hit Viremi instead.

"This day blows." This low-stated statement brought to you by resident sulker Khorde, tagging along after Shimana with a sachel and a look of sufferance. Someone's been roped into bitch-boy duty -- again. Wonder how this keeps happening...

"Mind your manners," retorts Shimana tiredly; it's got the sound of something repeated ad nauseum today. At least Khorde distracts the older woman enough that she stops and turns to level a stare at him. "Would you rather be cleaning the waste pits? I'm sure we can arrange that."

WEST-SKY> Belated, the appearance of Isforaith's hulking doom -- but sunlight strikes harsh against the spectacular sweep of dark denim wings, and Isforaith maneuvers easily enough to tuck into a staggered v off of Rielsath's starboard. Z'yi offers a salute, lazy as the bluerider slumps in the straps, evidently resigned to this despite any misgivings he may have.

Kiyora eventually backs away from the movement and near-chaos, content that nothing is disastrous. One hand rises wordlessly in greeting to Shimana, a familiar peer, but she can hear that tone from where she is and doesn't approach. Her eyes drift to the sea, the horizon, then squint. "Knew the weather couldn't last long," She remarks in passing to whoever's near.

"Spoilsport." Emme asides to Evali, finally glancing out at the horizon and the sky when someone mentions the weather turning. Or what looks suspiciously like it. And then look, thre's Khorde getting a verbal smack; and she ducks her head to hide her smirk.

Devaki rolls his eyes skyward, then quickly fakes a punch towards Riorde's arm. "Gut this!" he calls, unaccountably. Yeah, it's been that sort of day. "I can't believe," Xoami interrupts, again, probably for the fifth time, "You let a /girl/ totally beat your ass, Dev!" He probably notes the look in Devaki's gaze, for he drops his basket and goes racing off, Devaki a second behind him, chasing him down the beach, jostling their fish-laden baskets. His path takes him past Evali and Viremi, an unrepentant grin offered the former and a cheerful wave the latter. Tossing a look back over his shoulder, he calls towards Riorde, "Hey, Ri, help me. He called you a /girl/!"

WEST-SKY> The brown slows momentarily, his flight manner distracted. But then he barrels forward with new enthusiasm, describing a swoopy circle in the air as he waits for-- there he is! Isforaith is greeted with an enthusaistic bugle. If there's a moment of consternation when the blue forms up on Rielsath's wing instead of his own, well. That just means he has to fly forward all the faster. The first of the islands is well in-sight now, relatively small. But the one beyond it is larger by far than any of the others they've seen so far. And... not barren?

Dragon> To Rielsath and Szadath, Isforaith is dubious, the slosh of beer against hearthfire burning low. Ashes and smoke are acrid against the flat tang of beverage, and it somehow composes itself to cast a shadow of doubt against the story of Rielsath's. << I think you're full of shit. >> What? It's Faranth's own truth, he's just sayin'.

Sullen, eyes drop, the tips of Khorde's ears flushing scarlet. "Yes ma'am," he replies, to the first; "No, ma'am," to the second. What was he doing before? Oh, yeah, right, that's it. .oO(This day BLOWS.) He follows along Shimana, silent.

Xavior layers, "One of the great," on top of Rilka's words while nodding his approval. He throws a glance towards the sky, but a glance only so he misses anything amiss. "Hopefully it will hold for another day." He drops down opposite her to join in the duty and for a fleeting second weariness haggers his features, but just as quick it's gone with a flash of a smile to chase it away.

One dot in the sky is now perhaps two or three miniscule specks. They're still relatively indistinguishable, but-- was that a metallic flash in the sunlight, just for a moment?

"It won't," is Rilka's assessment, though she's barely glanced up at the sky, and is far enough from Kiyora and Shimana that she's probably not even taking it from then. "By tomorrow, the fogs will have descended and the rains have come. I saw it in the crabs." Not... quite in the way it sounds. But still: weird enough. Xavior's quick flash of a smile is matched by one of her own, though it is, as is generally the case, a vague kind of expression.

"Let?" Riorde picks up Xoami's word and gives him a look conveying all the superiority she can muster. "I beat his ass fair and square!" she yells after at his back as both him and Devaki go racing off. She doesn't do such a thing, no, at least not until Devaki invites her into the mayhem. "Do you need saving?" she calls back, taunting, but it's enough to set her flying after the two after checking to make sure the lid to her basket is on tight. Her back's to the horizon, concentration set on proving herself to the two boys she's thrown her lot in with.

WEST-SKY> From Rielsath's neckridges, Rielsath calls to Isforaith, rising from her wave-skimming antics to complete the small treasure-hunting formation, silently pleased to have the blue on her wingside. She pushes forward to race with Szadath, an all-out vocalization that might be something like a battle cry echoing off the waters. Wet and wild, that's her.

WEST-SKY> Rielsath calls to Isforaith, rising from her wave-skimming antics to complete the small treasure-hunting formation, silently pleased to have the blue on her wingside. She pushes forward to race with Szadath, an all-out vocalization that might be something like a battle cry echoing off the waters. Wet and wild, that's her.

Emmeline deliberately makes a face at Devaki when he goes running by, and just shakes her head at the way the fishing trio seems intent on either beating each other up or showing off. "You too, Riorde? Sheesh." Yeah, her partner in crime there gets a face made at her too. But, it's a distraction from fish guts so she's all for it.

Shimana gives a snort of disbelief, but continues back on towards the activity on the beach. "How many crabs are in your bag, boy? You can take them to Rilka, if it's a decent haul. You know she's good with them." She squints at the activity, shading her eyes with her hand against the light. "Good to see such work getting done."

Xavior shrugs his narrow shoulders, "Just as well. It'll bring up the deep eaters." He takes her prediction in stride. Easy work is made of the tangled net to release the ball of fish that slides out onto the beach. A foot is quick to dam off their progress, though one still slithers over the top to escape onto the other side and finally come to rest near Rilka.

"Enough, I think," Khorde replies, ever the picture of a sweet boychild. He speeds a step or two past his normal gait to deliver his bounty to Rilka: "Here, Ril. Crabs? I know you normally have them, right?" His voice is a little absentminded, as if he's not really thinking about what he's saying, and is more entranced by the way her crazy hair blows in her own crazy wind. What? Rilka is crazy /hot/.

Does Devaki need saving? Probably. "Yes!" he calls shamelessly in response to Riorde, unable to catch the slightly smaller-and-quicker Xoami. "Head him off at the pass!" Which is an odd saying, since he's no idea what a pass is, but it's something his grandfather has said now and then. Yeah, Xoami and Devaki have long given up on contents of their baskets, kicking some pebbles in Evali and Emmeline's direction as they scatter past the pair.

Viremi, for his part, has taken a higher-ground seating, crinkled face somewhat amused as he watches some of the antics on the beach, gnarled fingers laced over his stick.

WEST-SKY> Isforaith loosens a basso bellow of his own in return to Rielsath's cry, the blue matching the gold's wingstrokes after a moment to accustom himself to her stately speed. Z'yi seems less interested in this whole thing and more interested in going home and having a beer, but- something obviously interests him, by the way he stands in his straps points to the main island past the scatterings of barrier isles. Isforaith surges forwards a length or two, dives into a sudden barrel-roll that obviously catches his rider off-guard, the big man thumping his lifemate hard against the neck with one closed fist as he tightens grip on the crazy blue's straps, his message to the others unfiinished.

Dragon> As is his custom, Szadath barrels right over Isoforaith's lack of enthusiasm for this venture. << Rielsath saw treasure, once; she's useful. Taikrin wants to know if Z'yi brought the maps. She says we are heading for the big island, since it's big. Might be a good place to look. >> He projects an image of the island in question, then hesitates. << What... do you see those? >> They /are/ just at the end of draconic visual range, after all. (Szadath to Isforaith and Rielsath)

"It's catching." Riorde turns out her hands in a helpless gesture for Emmeline, but the grin gives her away as a willing participant in the boys' rough housing. She pauses by Emmeline, trying to pass over her basket and dropping her fishing pole to collect later. "Take this - I have to go beat them up." Brave words from the slight girl, but her expression carries the intention to put words to action.

Rilka's hands are conveniently free in time to capture that escape-artist that ends up so close to her; she offers it back to Xavior with a solemn expression that is interrupted only by Khorde's arrival. She gives him a measured look, as the wind whips her hair about, then reaches up to accept the crabs (good girl). "Thank you for the crabs, Khorde." It's polite, if a little distant.

On this beautiful day, while the sun shines like melted butter spilt upon the land to warm the skin in this more beautiful-than-average day, Phedre has taken it upon herself to strip off the blood-red, threadbare shawl and keep her brother Isidore entertained. Long dark hair is still in it's customary braid, and while her father works with the catch, the girl takes a small break to chase around her brother in a game fit for the eight-turn-old. A rare moment of laughter, this, for Phedre.

"Crazy is catching. Who knew." Emmeline mutters, but apparently not annoyed because she grabs the basket when it's handed to her and shoos Riorde away. "Make sure they /both/ get it." she counsels, giving Riorde the unecessary advice before she runs off.

WEST-SKY> Szadath has something of interest-- or rather, Taikrin does. The brown breaks formation, wings belling to rise up above Isforaith as the blue pulls up from his roll. With a shout of, "CATCH!" she lowers a flask on a strap down towards Z'yi, waiting long enough to get the rider's attention before letting go entirely. Meanwhile, Szadath's attention is only half on the maneuver; something on the second island has caught his interest. Are those specks on the beach... moving?

No, it's definitely three specks, and one of them is definitely glinting gold in the light. And they are getting... steadily larger?

The fish is accepted with gratitude, "Thank you," and then Khorde is there earning Xavior's squinting smile. The stray is stowed back on the pile while preparations for their dissection are made. A quick inspection is made of the crabs being passed around, and praise given, "Good haul."

Devaki, belatedly, seems to realize just what sort of monster he's unleashed. "Uh-oh," he undertones, slowing and pausing to catch his breath for a moment, as Xoami does the same. "Are you scared, man?" Xoami asks, "Uh, yeah, aren't you?" "Uh, yeah." "RUN!" The pair pelt off down the beach, though it's hard to tell if one is chasing the other so much as trying to get distance between them and Riorde. Devaki's already lost this game at least once today.

Okay, someone has to be paying attention to the sky at this point. And that one of the 'storm clouds' glints golden, Emme's head tilts a bit. "Hey Evali, you watching this?" The sky, not the antics of the fishing trio (tm). Thus, she gesturs upwards with her gutting knife.

"Thanks," Riorde says as her basket exchanges hands, giving Emmeline a quick grin. "Don't worry, they've both got it coming," she assures the other girl before setting off at a sprint past the salting station and after the two boys. "Hey!" she hollers, as if that will make them pause instead of spurring them on faster. She may not look like she can beat the life out of the two as she's threatened, but she's fast.

Dragon> To Szadath and Rielsath, Isforaith belches fire and brimstone and Guinness, an unlikely combination but one that works fine for him, thankyouverymuch. << Yeah, he brought the maps. >> A pause. << There's something out there? >> Curiosity in his deep baritone, finally -- his eyesight isn't as good as the others, at this range. A brief pause in relaying, and eventually he reports, << Mine suggests we should do a low-alt perimeter and then grid the island off in thirds. >>

WEST-SKY> Rielsath rumbles in slight annoyance at the two silly dragons beside her, diving sharply to splash at them again. She's fully focused, Lujayn waving at the two riders in tandem with her gold's furiously fast thinking. There's something there, something unexpected. The larger dragon surges forward again and lets out another shrill call, rising up. No time for distractions! << Maybe they've seen treasure. We can ask them! >> The little moving things are creatures, maybe land-treasure-fish, clearer with each second. << A perimeter - >> She flusters, caught between official tactics and her own colorful imagination. << Let's ask those things first. >>

Evali claps her hands at the display, yelping out, "Go Riorde!" with a laugh, and then an apologetic look toward Viremi because that was, well. Very loud. And then she's flinging a pebble back at Emmeline -- which means she has to /look/ at Emmeline, and so says, "Watching what?" and looks up. Oh. That. "Yes." Headtilt. Blink.

"Yeah, like that's gonna get you anywhere," Khorde mutters of Emme's daydreaming. "Tryin' to catch our dinner, and she's off woolgathering," he half-complains, mostly to himself, as he shuffles from Rilka's immediate vicinity -- elsewhere. Even back towards Shimana, because he's a good little bitchboy. His question is almost embarassed-quiet, though: "Uh, what /is/ that?" You know, what's gathering all of Emme's wool. He even points.

Kiyora laughs out loud at the antics before her, distracted enough to tear her eyes from the sky. But her pale eyes return before too long, keen despite age. "Careful," Her voice suddenly darker than that carefree laugh, she finds herself amidst the crowds for a better view of the specks quickly growing into something more.

WEST-SKY> There are a series of curses from Taikrin, and she glances over at Z'yi as if sad to have relinquished the flask. Instinct has Szadath falling back off of Rielsath's wing as they draw steadily closer. Those are definitely moving things down there, and the closer they draw, the easier a time draconic vision will have in resolving those specs as people. Lots and lots of people, in a place where there should be none. Uncertainly, << Did we come all the way around to Benden? >>

Yeah, that 'hey' is not so much stopping Devaki and Xoami as making them move /faster/. Devaki's reaching to try and grab Xoami's shoulder, and pull him back so he can get further ahead -- this turns into a jostling match that's not so much running as trying to trip each other up, which probably doesn't help with the whole, getting distance between them and Riorde plan. They haven't noticed anything untoward, nope.

"What is what?" Shimana has finally caught up with Khorde, so she's well within hearing of Emmeline and Evali. "Hm?" She continues shading her eyes with her hand, scanning across the sky before fixing on the spot that has everyone else so interested. "... sea save me, what /is/ that?"

WEST-SKY> Isforaith levels off after his enthusiasm, indeed, long enough for his rider to catch that flask and report a, "Thanks!" to the brown above. In tandem with his lifemate's correspondance, Isz shoots an arm dead west towards the thickest part of the beach -- and the /people/. As soon as the visual is relayed to the bluerider, however, a near hilarious reaction occurs: he stares up at the position of the sun, rises to stare behind him at the position of a waxing moon just visible in silouette, and then he scrambles to roll open a map, fumbling the flask (and almost dropping it into the ocean, oops).

"You know what Khorde, one of these days I'm gonna whup your skinny little arse for being such a jerk." Emmeline retorts back, heedless of the fact that there are a number of elders nearby who might take exception to her wordchoice. Hey, he made her cry the other day. So he deserves it! And then she flips a pebble back at Evali again and claps at Riorde's chasing. All with an eye to the sky. "Can't be stormclouds. Not like that..."

Rilka casts a glance after Khorde, gaze narrowed but inscrutable. She hasn't quite followed his gaze towards the sky, though, nor noticed anyone else's preoccupation; instead, she turns her attention back to Xavior. "We shall eat well," she says, sounding pleased, as she goes through the collection of crabs, busying herself in their preparation. "He is a strange boy." Khorde, presumably. And coming from Rilka...

The three specks are getting larger-- perhaps wherries? But one is definitely golden, one lightly brown, and the other hard to distinguish against the blue sky.

Viremi watches the boys -- and Riorde, and gives a faint sort of chuckle. Evali's comment doesn't seem to bother the elder so much as the thrown pebble, though all he does is wrinkle his brow. He's one of those sorts that manages to convey his intent in his gnarled expression far better than words. His granddaughter's comment, as well as Shimana's and Emmeline's draws his attention upwards, and his eyes widen.

With everyone's attention turning to the spots in the sky, Phedre reaches out to grasp her brother's arm, tugging him close to her with a murmured, "Stop, Isi." She walks the few steps where she left her shawl for her brief time at play with the boy, and scoops it up. A glance to her fellow islanders and then back up to the sky, which holds the girl's rapt attention. "I don't think clouds are golden," she mutters, turning to grab Isidore's hand more roughly. "Stay close." The unknown has left her unsettled, tugging the crimson ends of her shawl around her shoulders.

Ignorant of anything besides her mission to close the distance between her and the boys, Riorde tucks her chin down as she flies down the beach, and before long she's out of hearing of the others gathered on the beach for the salt-packing, if she were ever listening to them to begin with "You're /dead/," she yells to Devaki and Xoami before her.

Khorde is a strange boy indeed. Some portent of imminent doom must have caused the lines to draw on his youthful face as he stares up at the sky -- maybe it was Riorde's declaration of war, so strident.

WEST-SKY> << We're fast.. >> Rielsath goes up, up, seeing no clear landing point ahead. Her excitement is catching, dazzling question marks and hourglasses falling through inky darkness. << Not that fast! >> There's time to think yet, and Lujayn casts a glance down towards Z'yi with his maps. "Can't.. place?" She yells, attempts at communication sabotaged by Rielsath's iron will to reach that island. Twisting a bit to reassure Szadath, the gold reluctantly wheels back to her wingmates - only to power forward again. << Let's go see, quick, quick! >>

A grin washes like warm water across Xavior's lips as his head bobs in agreement. "Good at the heart I suspect, but young." He speaks as if aged well beyond his own turns, which in mind he might be. A fishhead is sheared off and the knife inserted for the first real cut when his attention wavers towards the skies. Upon spotting the anomalies every muscle except that which rules his jaw freezes. "Rilka, /look/." The wild beard is thrust toward the oncoming oddities.

Emmeline drops her knife, standing up finally instead of just sitting to stare. And she lifts her hand to shield her eyes against the glare of the sun; making out colors was a bit unexpected. "Uh...." Yeah, it's pretty fair to be speechless under the circumstances. Even if they're just wherries - the different choice of food would be enough for a celebration really.

Yeah, those boys are too far to hear the disturbance going on further up the beach, too. And neither are they giving alarmed looks at the sky so much as the approaching girl, now jostling to push each other towards Riorde, although basically by now it's devolved into a game of 'trip the other'. Devaki goes down with a sharply exhaled breath as Xoami gleefully runs away.

Dragon> To Rielsath and Szadath, Isforaith is a maelstrom of fire, his alcoholic twang sharpened to the bite of whiskey. << This is not Benden, >> he states, finally, reporting Z'yi's findings. << We're klicks and klicks and klicks away from the eastern seaboard. Z'yi says we're closer to home than there. >> His own voice is somewhat bewildered, likely due to his lifemate's confusion. << He says there shouldn't be any people out here. >>

WEST-SKY> Szadath's head swings back and forth as more detail comes into view, uncertainty and disappointment hindering his forward momentum. << They don't look like they have treasure. >> Indeed, as the people slowly come into resolution, they do appear a bit... ragged. << Taikrin says we should land and ask directions. Are you /sure/ this isn't Benden? >>

"He's--" begins Rilka, but she's interrupted by Xavior's next comment, the intensity of which is enough to turn her attention most sharply. Her eyes go wide - and wild - and for a moment she's tensed as if to the point of breaking. Those specks are too far, still, to be properly made out, but that doesn't stop her agitated proclamation, loud enough to carry a good distance up and down the beach. "There are /sea-monsters/ in the sky." And it will be their doom.

Better be alarmed, all right. Those colorful specks are getting easier and easier to see; wings, tails and limbs are all coming into resolution for those who are sharp of eye. Is that odd, rumbling sound coming from that direction?
Riorde puts on a sudden burst of speed as she sees Devaki tripped up, intending to reach him before he can stumble to his feet again. "Ha!" she crows her victory in one breathless syllable. Some of the elders might call it shameless the way she leaps at the young man, fists flying.

Emmeline knows what her ancestress notes says large things with wings and tails are - not sea monsters, but .."Dragons." she whispers, her eyes wide. She's surprised enough that her step back has her near stumbling; and she instinctively seems to glance around for the elders. And their mindhealer, though he seems a bit busy being beat up by Riorde at the moment. "Guys, enough!" she tries to call out over to them, trying to wave them back in towards the crowd at the beach.

Too bad the elders - at least, Shimana - are pale and distracted by that thing in the sky. She's belated in jumping into action, reaching out to put a hand firmly on Rilka's shoulder. "It's not-- Rilka. Tell me what you /see/. None of your usual additions, girl." Her head jerks towards Emmeline, eyes wide, and then she lets out her traditional warning call, "Storm's coming!" Even if it's-- not the weather, this time.

WEST-SKY> Isforaith streaks low while Rielsath goes up and up, his wingtips almost touching the water on the downstrokes of his sweeping wingspan. Z'yi motions those overhead with tried-and-true thread signals, evidently exasperated with trying to get through via draconic mindlinkes: a series of gestures recommending landing to the south of the knot of people, where barren beach shows exposed rock perhaps large enough to fit the dragons. He turns to shout up at the others, "Not Benden!" He's lifting up again to crane a view over the top of Isforaith's headknobs, a hand lifting to scrub absent against a day-old scruff of beard on his cheek. Obviously, he would have shaved this morning, had he been aware he was going to participate in finding the lost tribe of Pern. Damned 20/20 hindsight.

For once Xavior questions one of Rilka proclamations, but not completely. The fish is deserted as he slowly rises, knife held tight in bone-white fingers as he keeps a tense eye on the growing spectacle. As they get closer, the more he cottons to Rilka's assessment. "Wouldn't they be sky creatures though? If in the sky?" It was just an odd thought that floated through his mind.

Devaki is in a bind. Riorde is a girl. He can't hit a girl. And yet girls usually don't punch at him like that. He splits the difference and instead tries to shove at Riorde in between protecting any more delicate parts of himself from Riorde's fists of fury. He tries to scramble back out of her reach, and his gaze flickers upwards. His mouth drops open, abruptly. For once, he's speechless: that'd be a first. He just kind of -- stops, and gapes.

Evali has practically shrunk into Viremi, at this point. That rumbling startled her, and Emme's words only startle her, eyes widening. "Dragons? /Here/?"

Viremi shakes his head, uncertain of his sight. The reactions of the others on the beach are enough to give hint to the elder that this is no mere bird. His free hand presses on Evali's shoulder in silent reassurance. The old man's shaking a little. "They're coming for us," he breathes, "Finally."

Khorde stands uncertain, hovering around Shimana's side, as if unsure whether to flee at the call of storm or stare more intently at the trio of colorful wings slowly beginning to grow larger and larger. His jaw's dropped, for sure, and he's staring up as if the end of days is about to drop some kind of apocalypse right on their doorstep.

Rilka's voice is like a wail, her anguish unmissable. "They swim through the air towards us, Shimana. We're not /safe/." She shoots a desperate glance at the elder, and then another at Xavior, though she's too distracted and unhappy - wringing her hands, her shoulders shaking - to get out much of a response. "Three is such an unlucky number. We're not safe; we should /hide/."

To be accurate, Riorde is a girl who hits. Hard. She only stops when it becomes clear that the game is one-sided, and then her gaze goes in the same direction as everyone else's, taking her cue from Devaki since he's the closest. "What--" Panting for breath, the question escapes her, and she involuntarily reaches out, putting out her hand for Devaki's forearm.

WEST-SKY> Lujayn is stretching forward as far as her straps will allow, getting her own visual in addition to what Rielsath is sending her. She gestures downwards, the craggier parts of the shore deserted if only talons could find purchase there. A tricky landing. << They're all different, >> Rielsath is alight with wonder, though she banks towards the barren rocks of the beach instead of letting her curiosity dump her in a strange crowd. << There, >> And Lujayn tries to signal this all very quickly to Z'yi and Taikrin - Rielsath is headed for the prominent crag, one that might fit most of her without crumbling back into the ocean.

"Shimana, Viremi do you want to send some people into the caves until...?" Emme's voice trails off, suggesting it might be best to wait until they know the intentions of their possible visitors before letting them know how many people are on the island.

"There are no /sea-monsters/." Kiyora placates one or two of the youngest, eyes wary on the approaching figures. She doesn't have any orders or wisdom beyond that, only a steadfast, unmovable presence as she watches the alien sight with growing wonder.

It's clearly dragons now, three of them flying in a vee formation with the gold at fore and riders visible on their backs. They're arrowing towards the largest sprawl of beach that's devoid of people.

Phedre stands, rooted to the spot, as the specks further reveal themselves. Her fingers involuntarily dig into her brother's arm, dimpling the skin which causes him to squeal out, "Fayyyyyy-dra!" A warped phonetic of her name. Phedre releases Isidore and says, "Go on home, Isidore. Go tell Mother something's happening." Her own eyes never stray from the sky.

"Get the children into the caves. Everyone under twelve." Shimana focuses on Emmeline, gesturing up the river with a curt gesture. "No-- we need you here, Emme, go have someone do it. /Hurry/."

Devaki exhales sharply, and when Riorde reacts in much the same way, he knows he's not just seeing things. Scrambling upwards, he reaches as if to pull Riorde up with him. "Quick," he hisses, "We have to get back to the others. The elders will know what to do." There's a hint of something in his voice -- like fear -- but he's keeping it under control, repeating, "The elders will know."

WEST-SKY> Szadath lingers behind half a wingbeat, letting Rielsath pull ahead towards her desired landing spot. On his back, Taikrin seems dubious - and more than a little nervous - as the brown begins his downward spiral. "Flaming shells!" That, at least, is clearly audible over the wind, even if the rest of what she's saying comes out as an unintelligable mutter. She gestures for the others to preceed her onto the landing, before letting Szadath come down on his own.

Xavior stands there stone still, watching, waiting, and as calm as a tidal pool upon the jagged rocks. Rilka and Shimana's concern reach his ears, so solace seeps through bearded lips, "It's alright, I suspect we've already been seen." As they land he gives a mild nod, his quiet eyes set to glowing with the sight set out before him. If someone moves to greet the visitors, he'll be right behind them for backup.

One of the teenaged girls, face gone long since pale, revives enough to gather the rest of the children around her in a hurry, and bolts with them for the caves.

"Ani!" Emmeline calls out for her sort-of-apprentice, hurriedly running over toward the other woman to explain what needs to be done. "Children, go with Ani! Come, now!" She's using her 'teacher's' voice there, the orders barking out as sharply as a drill seargent when she helps the other woman gather all the under-12's together to send up towards the caves. Once that's under control, she winds her way back through the people quickly pulling together in a crowd so she can get herself back to Shimana.

Viremi's still looking shaky, but there's something else in his expression. Not fear, though. The elder repeats Shimana's words. "The caves," then his hand squeezes more tightly on Evali's shoulder. "The caves. Where is your brother?"

Riorde's strict independence deserts her as she lets Devaki help her to her feet. She doesn't let go of him, not yet. "Dragons." Old stories supply the name to put to the shapes arriving on the island beach. "Xoami?" Her voice lifts in a call for the other boy, sounding uncertain.

Despite Xavior's attempt at solace, and despite the obvious efforts of the elders, Rilka is inconsolable: there are big tears running down her face as the dragons get close enough to land, and it's entirely possible that she doesn't even realise that she's wailing - a truly awful sound.

"He's --" Evali looks around, frantic, for Devaki and Riorde and Xoami. "They ran off over there -- should I get him? Or should ..." She trails off, trying to figure out what to do. "Should I follow them to the caves, make sure -- " She twists her skirt in her hands, wanting desperately to do the right thing, unsure of what the right thing /is/.

( Discovery! Part 2 )

lujayn, cadejoth, devaki, khorde, riorde, |k'del, rielsath, npc-viremi, emmeline, shimana, iskiveth, xavior, z'yi, phedre, taikrin, $exiles, evali, kiyora, |tomaeran, |rilka, szadath, isforaith

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