I have soooooooooooooooooo nothing to tell

Jun 04, 2012 21:06

Wanted to show choco cake pics, but the glazing doesn't harden - at all -.-;; Hopefully it's finished by tomorrow morning.
The batter is some kind of "try" as I didn't use any recipe, but only put together the usual suspects ingredients and then hoped for the best ( Read more... )

books, daily life

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Comments 1

mit_souko June 4 2012, 21:37:45 UTC
It can be frustrating when something doesn't work right. And sometimes you follow the recipe, and it still doesn't work.

I am thinking of a lemon cake I baked, that was ok. But when I made the filling, I think something was omitted from the recipe, or proportions wrong, because the "cream" stayed totally liquid, as in runny. You were supposed to fill and then spread on the top and sides...a mini disaster.


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