On the Acha issue...

Jan 30, 2010 15:37

Let's assume that THIS is her real name (Arisya Al Hafidza)?

Because, if you scroll down on this page, you find her name directly above the one of this Ilham Akbar al Kautsar.

d. Dra. Sri Wening Mardiani+Ir.Syailendra Yunus,MT

1) Arisya Ummi Al Hafidza <-- that

2) Ilham Akbar Al Kautsar <--- name she used to receive the money ( Read more... )


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Comments 14

toshi_hakari January 30 2010, 14:39:14 UTC
Also für mich klingen die Namen nicht indonesisch O_o Eher iranisch/irakisch oder so.


karu_chan January 30 2010, 14:47:56 UTC
Islam ist die vorherschende Religion in Indonesien ^^


toshi_hakari January 30 2010, 14:59:19 UTC
Ach soooo! Mal wieder ein klarer Fall von:

... )


mit_souko January 30 2010, 14:58:25 UTC
More arabic names than I expected, though I know Indonesia is mainly islamic.

I mean, not just the first names, but most of the last names are arabic. In Bosnia, or for instance Turkey, where the religion is mainly Islam, the first names are mostly arabic, but not the last names. Then again, I don't know a lot about Indonesia.

It is tantalizing to see this site and not be able to get the meaning...


karu_chan January 30 2010, 15:13:02 UTC
Well, there is always the possibility that her family has roots in the Arabic world. Dunno...


hii_chan January 30 2010, 15:00:20 UTC
Unfortunately I can't help you there either, since I know absolutely nothing of that language..
but maybe there is a community/forum (like the japanese comm) where you can find help?


karu_chan January 30 2010, 15:12:00 UTC
Luckily some random person helped (see below), but I think my best bet would be the Indonesian KAT-TUN fandom, when I managed to find out more about her.


yuran3 January 30 2010, 15:03:13 UTC
hi, I happen to see this post when I am reading Takarazuka Revue Community. I am an Indonesian, so I know Bahasa Indonesia. I hope you don't mind if I post here.

Her name is "Arisya Al Hafidza"

I don't know what you are trying to find but, that page is a post about family tree.

Scroll down, and it gave us this :
Keterangan :

-nama bergaris bawah =telah meninggal dunia ===> name underlined = has passed away

-nama setelah tanda+ =menantu dari pihak atasnya ==> name after + sign, means is a daughter in law or son in law from name above him/her

-nama bercoret tengah=telah bercerai ===> name strikethroughed = has divorced.

) Arisya Ummi Al Hafidza ==> a female name

2) Ilham Akbar Al Kautsar ===> a male name

3) Ahmad Faizal Al Kautsar ===> a male name



karu_chan January 30 2010, 15:09:01 UTC
Hi ^^

thank you for your reply. That girl scammed money from money and once I get back to Germany (currently on holidays in Japan) I'm planning to go to Western Union. Dunno if/how they can help, but they said to contact them if we feel that we got scammed.

Here: http://karu-chan.livejournal.com/336679.html if you wanna read the whole story.

It's just so difficult to track her down and even if... how do I get my money back -.-;;;

Oh, and by now I know that the pics in her LJ and Facebook are from Pevita Pearce. She always wrote "look, that's me"


yuran3 January 30 2010, 15:27:46 UTC
I just read it...

Oh my.. *pats*

But I think I don't believe what she typed on her facebook. Because :

Current City: West Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA
Colleges: Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta '10
That's impossible. That university is in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. And, year 2010 will be started in July or August of 2010.


karu_chan January 30 2010, 15:36:57 UTC
Yeah, I don't believe she's living in L.A. either

But I think she finished the school in Jakarta like it says there. Dunno if that is ever going to help me anything.


(The comment has been removed)

karu_chan January 31 2010, 02:37:52 UTC
Ah, don't worry. I hope you had a very nice day at the wedding *.*

She doesn't reply to my messages - well, because you know, she is in hospital in Yokohama here, very busy with dying -.-;;;

(Which is hard to do, as she already died in an earthquake for somebody else)

Maybe I should get the facebook-staff involved. Dunno where though, because the whole help-page is full of "what to do, when your account got hacked" but nothing about "where to go to, if you think there are scammers here" -.-


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