Я орель, но я болель....

Oct 16, 2006 13:32

Только что был врач. Дал больничный на неделю.
Подозрение на воспаление легких......


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Comments 9

это не дело gelis October 16 2006, 18:32:04 UTC
Ты чо это захворала? ты давай с этим заканчивай! нам некогда болеть!


pytmm October 17 2006, 03:07:33 UTC
:( That's sad, I am sorry you're sick. On the other hand, that's neat that a doctor comes to you, we don't have doctors here that make home visits, only for the elderly who are immobile. Just wondering (cause I was actually out sick today too) how many sick days per year do you get as a teacher?


kartinka11 October 17 2006, 05:07:37 UTC
В-общем-то можешь болеть - сколько угодно, но если это будет длится больше полугода, то тебя просто уволят за ненадобностью...


pytmm October 17 2006, 19:44:35 UTC
Zdorovo... of course it's not fun at all to be sick, but at least you are allowed to be if you absalutely need to. We have 10 sick days for the school year. If you don't use some of yours in one year, you can save them for the coming year. If you are really sick and in the hospital or whatever and run out of days, then I belive they are going to start deducting them from your pay - every day that you are out over the amount you have saved, you loose the day in pay. Also, if you are absent more than ten days, even if you have some days saved up, but you weren't incredibly sick and in the hospital for a long time (like if you just happened to catch a cold 12 different times) you will get an unsatisfactory rating on your evaluation for the year. Very strict. So I used one of my days yesterday... with the days I have saved, I now I have 14 days left :( I hope you feel better soon!


kartinka11 October 18 2006, 05:19:34 UTC
It's awful - what you've got there! How could I predict that I'll be ill not more than 10 days a year? We have such severe outbreaks of flu every winter... I keep silence about common colds...and other very unpredictable things. (For example last year I spent two weeks in a hospital with emaciation)


amiantos_s October 17 2006, 03:35:29 UTC
Что ж такое! Три сообщения подряд в ленте друзей о том, что люди заболели... Выздоравливай скорее!


kartinka11 October 17 2006, 05:08:47 UTC
Спасибочки! буду стараться!


a_ndrei October 17 2006, 06:15:53 UTC
Кошмар какой! :((
Выздоравлм\ивай скорее!
А может тебе нужно для выздоровления банка варенья и карзина печенья?:))


kartinka11 October 17 2006, 08:28:20 UTC
Все есть, спасибо! И банка малиновошного варенья, и мед! С печеньем, к сожалению, придется подожать - глотать больно...
Ещё раз спасибо!


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