FAKE: Five Things Ryo Didn't Give To Dee (PG-13)

Feb 27, 2008 20:44

Summary:...on Valentine's or any other day.
Notes: For azureflight, who wanted Ryo/Dee, and hatfullofstars, who helped turn a vague list into a story. Wall to wall sap ahead.

1) Flowers.

Dee insists he doesn't want them. He claims he's allergic, and sneezes pointedly whenever Commissioner Rose gives Ryo a bouquet.

On the other hand, last December Dee came home from visiting the Penguin with a huge poinsettia, and refused to meet Ryo's eyes. Ryo forgave him. Poinsettias aren't exactly flowers, and besides, if you can't make exceptions for mothers, who can you make them for?

2) Chocolates.

Ryo made the mistake of bringing Godiva into the station once. Only once. He came back into the office just in time to catch Dee biting into a truffle, and to see the face Dee made.

Ryo bit his tongue on the urge to yell, and instead politely offered Dee a napkin. Dee took it and cleaned off his hand, grumbling all the time about stupid expensive chocolates that didn't even taste that good.

If he'd offered to clean Dee's hand with his tongue, instead of a napkin, he might've changed Dee's mind. But Ryo likes his Godiva, so he's never said anything. If Dee wants chocolate, he can get his own.

3) Clothing.

Far too girly a thing to do, for one. For another, Dee's taste in clothing isn't bad. Mostly.

He's been responsible for the disappearance of a few of Dee's oldest, rattiest t-shirts, though, no matter how much Dee groused afterwards.

4) Sex toys.

Drake spent months teasing him about fuzzy pink handcuffs, after the time they chased a perp into an adult toy store, and he caught Ryo giving that wall a second look. Ryo doesn't want to think how the guys would act if it got out that he'd actually given Dee anything like that.

Dee likes to tease him too. But since Dee's idea of teasing is to come up behind Ryo when he's on certain sites, and whisper suggestions how they could use certain things on each other, Ryo doesn't mind nearly as much as he pretends he does.

5) A home.

If anyone gave Dee a home, it was the Penguin. He's not Dee's wife, even if he is better at housecleaning and cooking (and he doesn't need Dee's help kicking the ass of anyone who suggests it). He can't give Dee children, unless you count Bikky (which isn't likely). And even going in together on it, he and Dee have credit just good enough for a decent apartment in the city -- not for a house, with or without a picket fence of any color.

They don't have family. Except for the Penguin. And perhaps Bikky. And Carol. And --

Dee only says it when he's half-asleep, anyway, in bed and wrapped around Ryo. There's no point in arguing. It's easier just to rest his head on Dee's chest and let himself fall asleep, too, safe and loved like he hasn't been in years.


rare fandoms, fandom: fake, pairing: dee/ryo

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