Title: Once Upon A Future (9/?)
tomatoe18Rating: PG-13 [this chapter]
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Dave Karofsky/Kurt Hummel, a lot of OCs
Genre: Future fic, romance, drama, FLUFF, FLUFF, FLUFF.
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: all of Glee season 1 and 2, probably AU after season 2.
Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or any of its characters. I also don't own any
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Comments 13
I SO need to remember that phrase :D
I love Rory (not because of his name and looks) and can totally see why Dave would be kinda jealous :D
Sad that we will have to wait for the next chapter, but RL always comes first, so take your time :)
If Rory exists in real life, I'll be jealous of anyone who has him, too. :P
The next chapter is in the works - I just finished my familial obligations during this national holiday, so I'm going to post next week. Hopefully Monday! Thanks for reading.
and especially how everyone can see from mile away that they are perfect for each other
and they hugged YAY
Thank you, as always, your reviews mean a lot to me.
GAAAH! I squealed so much as soon as Dave and Kurt ran into each other AGAIN! I was like "I KNEW IT" and then I started to do a little dance. I'm glad no one witnessed me in my display of exuberance at this story.
Can't wait to write the real!sex scene. ;)
Thanks for reading! :)
This is so well written and thought out and...I can't WAIT to finally see Dave and Kurt interacting when they are in the SAME ROOM and yet, you had to leave us with this cliffhanger! ;)
I love everything you've done both with Dave and Kurt's lives, and their surrounding friends...and I dunno why, but I keep picturing Blakey and Rachel together, LOL. :P
I'm sorry about the cliffhanger! But at least I didn't end it when they ran into each other for the second time. I mean, I was going to stop at the point where Kurt realized Dave was there, without continuing to the next two small parts where they introduced each other's friends. So... there's that, I guess? ;)
Blakey and Rachel? I'm undecided. I like Gunnar and Rachel, too. But you've given me something to think about now!
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