Willst du Schalke an der Spitze sehn,
musst du die Tabelle drehn.
It's a rhyme saying if you want to see Schalke on top, you have to turn the table upside down x) They're the last team. But yes, indeed they have won their last game and I suppose throughout the season, they'll improve.At the moment they're simply lost, not knowing where to go, but
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Comments 15
Also, the rhyme made me laugh. It's probably not as fun if you are a Schalke fan, though... ;-)
As for system scans and thoughts that you might lose everything on your computer. Yes, I know exactly what you mean that it feels like you might lose your "life", sort of. I always panic when I have to do things like that, and I'm glad it seems you got things sorted!
Thanks God I'm not a Schalke fan xD so its pretty funny for me, too, lol.
It was horribly straining >__<.
And hope the pressure will steam off.
Oh man. Das durfte ich mir von meinem besten Freund (BVB-Fan) heute den ganzen Tag anhören.
Der BVB ist ja auch klasse. Ich wusste, dass aus denen wieder was wird. Vor allem wusste ich, dass Kagawa es bringt :D ich sollte scout werden soviele Spieler, die ich schon entdeckt habe...
Einziger bitterer Tropfen ist nur eine meiner besten Freundinnen, die leidenschaftlich Schalke-Fan und in letzter Zeit dementsprechend mitgenommen ist.
Aber im Grunde ... :D :D :D
Where do you come from? LJ didn't tell me you had been here :O
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