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Comments 72

4jinx_removing August 6 2010, 18:34:09 UTC
Oh, lord, these two. This is the only pre-order pairing that's going as planned.


karneol_vision August 6 2010, 18:39:32 UTC

So where are the reactions to it?! ;__; why am I the only one talking it?!


4jinx_removing August 6 2010, 18:43:54 UTC
Everyone is pre-occupied with Sergio's Twitter? IDK. I complain about lack of fic, yet I have blank document in front of me, lol.


karneol_vision August 6 2010, 18:47:13 UTC
Lol. *helpless*

... Sergio's twitter shall go up in flames and viruseses then... >:(
Or he shall twitter stuff that I care about >:(

I knew twitter would eventually kill all real creativity and leave people with nothing but broken phrases...


rubyqueen19 August 6 2010, 18:34:13 UTC
yes i have to admit them pics are hot.but i NEED some cris/wayne hotness.i really long for it.:( and what really gets me is no'one writes about them anymore.:(


karneol_vision August 6 2010, 18:42:35 UTC
I know :"( It's all going away... I want it back...!!! but the problem is that they'll hardly going to play against each other anythime soon. One of their teams always screws up before they can meet ò_ò.

I'm doing artwork, I wish I was writing, I so wish... I'd cut off a finger to be able to :(((


lovinthelads August 6 2010, 18:42:01 UTC
I teased you with it and left you hanging, didn't I?

What a bitch...



karneol_vision August 6 2010, 18:43:31 UTC


Bad! BAD!!!


lovinthelads August 6 2010, 18:44:53 UTC
*hangs head in shame*

if it's any consolation, I've not been able to write anything proper for weeks...

*beats on head with stick*



karneol_vision August 6 2010, 18:48:35 UTC
(I know, dear, you don't need to take it seriously *hugs*)

*helps beating head with stick*


firestar28 August 6 2010, 19:03:12 UTC
Dankö für die Pics :D
Also ich hoff doch mal sehr stark das nach dem letzten Sieg des Teams [gotcha spielen ja morgen wieder =)] noch sehr viel mehr Siege kommen werden.
Der Trainer ist aber auch ein Glücksgriff gewesen

Was das slashige angeht, das kommt besonders gut im letzten Bild raus.
Darf ich mir das mal nehmen und versuchen draus nen Icon zu zaubern?
Würde den dann hier bei dir posten und vielleicht fällt mir ja was nettes zu ein :)


karneol_vision August 6 2010, 19:16:06 UTC
Ich weiß, ich weiß! :DDD

Definitiv eine Masse an Potential. Die Spieler selbst und nun der Trainer, wie du sagst. Wenn das alles nicht sichtbare und zählbare Resultate bringt, wird das so einigen Leuten sauer aufstoßen.
Was die Leistung selbst angeht, so denke ich, dass es diese Saison eine ganze Menge zu sehen geben wird :D

Hehe xD Aber bitte! Bin ja mal gespannt, das zu sehen :D


firestar28 August 6 2010, 19:21:29 UTC
Freu mich auf jedenfall schon auf das morgige Spiel =) und natürlich auch auf das welches hier in München stattfinden wird.
Zu dem letzten Spiel schreib ich nachher noch was in mein LJ natürlich mit nem YouTube Vid ^.^

Danke das ichs nehmen darf


karneol_vision August 6 2010, 19:51:47 UTC
Freu mich auch :D

Mann. Bayern ist schon in 'ner Woche... ... gehst du hin??? :O Na, ich les ja noch, was du heute schreibst.


deadstine_43 August 6 2010, 19:21:11 UTC
i see more here than i ever did in cris/kaka


karneol_vision August 6 2010, 19:33:47 UTC
@__@ ... I'd make a statue of you... &hearts

You know... in the end, I think I prefer Cris and Kaka as friends.


deadstine_43 August 6 2010, 19:55:14 UTC
thats all i could ever see them as. i love kaka, but just thinking about him like that made me uncomfortable.

with cris/jose...just thinking about them makes me hot! you should do a sketch of them, because i adore every one you've done so far, especially cris/wayne ones! that's enough motivation for anyone to ship them!


karneol_vision August 6 2010, 20:30:15 UTC
I wonder, how come that it made you uncomfortable? is it due to Kaka himself? His - I don't know how to call it - image? Family? Because I've heard other people say the same :)

It does doesn't it? there's something very very hot in the thought of them xD

Aw, I will! I wasn't sure whether I should... it feels so weird, you know? to draw or do any graphics of José Mourinho... the more if they're supposed to be slashy #'_'#

Thank you so much for your words. it means so much to hear that what I've contributed helps to see them as that wonderful ship tht they are to me :) &hearts


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