That was so beyond awesome!! I really, honestly expected to again be frustrated after five minutes and for the next 85 minutes but oh no! I don't know what Queiroz did - aside from finally bringing the right 11 - but it sure worked. They actually played with each other, concentrated and wham - 7 goals. WHEEE!!!!!
And how brilliantly, hilariously awesome was the Cristianochen's goal?
Queiroz did something so right this time! I thought I had stepped into some kind of alternative universe when it actually looked like things were really working and they were actually PLAYING :D
And aw! Cristiano's goal... *__* ;__; I don't know WHAT that was, and I'm pretty sure it was pure luck, but the way he managed not to look hapless and totally accidental doing it xDD it was splendid!!! :DDD
Who would have thought they would be able to truly get all this out again...? The greatest thing I was seriously hoping for was them to do remotely well and win with maybe one goal more, but... 0____0
I have to say the second I saw Miguel's name on the starting list, I was all kinds of hopefully excited. I know he's not as superbly brilliant as he used to be but still. I can't help but believe that the team is just better with him there. Also with hard-working Tiago instead of kind of bored-looking Deco. And Almeida whom I adore.
The funny thing was that in half-time, they showed footage of him doing a trick - balancing the ball on his head for quite some time. And he does do that trick with letting the ball fall into the nape of his neck and then bringing it up again - in short, I shall just tell myself that it was mostly but not completely accidental. Because I can. Whee! ;)
Almeida's fantastic! There's lots to adore on him, haha!
And he does do that trick with letting the ball fall into the nape of his neck and then bringing it up again - in short, I shall just tell myself that it was mostly but not completely accidental. Because I can. Whee! ;)
That! xD he does that trick a lot indeed... i think i see him doing it in everyy practise footage, lol x) finally it has been of some use, eh?
Das war für mich eines meiner persönlichen Lieblingsspiele <3 Aber bei den Spielstand hätte ich Nord Korea auch ein Tor gegönnt [obwohl se nicht wirklich überzeugend gespielt hatten], aber da kam halt etwas Mitleid in mir durch
Solang es nicht zu Ausschreitungen kommt find ich die Stimmung gut [ist halt alles ne große Familie egal für welches Land man ist =)]
Ich hatte glaub ich noch nicht erwähnt, dass ich 2006 zusammen mit meinen Freund als Sanitäterin bei der WM in Stuttgart tätig war. Mein Freund mußte an dem Tag arbeiten [also als Sani] an dem es in Stuttgart zu der großen Auseinandersetzung gekommen war. Ich hatte an dem Tag frei und hab mir das ganze dann bei CNN angesehen und war einfach nur baff gewesen.
Comments 10
I saw Cristiano's goal and squeed for you.
I squeed for me, too XDDDDD &hearts
And how brilliantly, hilariously awesome was the Cristianochen's goal?
And aw! Cristiano's goal... *__* ;__; I don't know WHAT that was, and I'm pretty sure it was pure luck, but the way he managed not to look hapless and totally accidental doing it xDD it was splendid!!! :DDD
Who would have thought they would be able to truly get all this out again...? The greatest thing I was seriously hoping for was them to do remotely well and win with maybe one goal more, but... 0____0
The funny thing was that in half-time, they showed footage of him doing a trick - balancing the ball on his head for quite some time. And he does do that trick with letting the ball fall into the nape of his neck and then bringing it up again - in short, I shall just tell myself that it was mostly but not completely accidental. Because I can. Whee! ;)
And he does do that trick with letting the ball fall into the nape of his neck and then bringing it up again - in short, I shall just tell myself that it was mostly but not completely accidental. Because I can. Whee! ;)
That! xD he does that trick a lot indeed... i think i see him doing it in everyy practise footage, lol x) finally it has been of some use, eh?
Aber bei den Spielstand hätte ich Nord Korea auch ein Tor gegönnt [obwohl se nicht wirklich überzeugend gespielt hatten], aber da kam halt etwas Mitleid in mir durch
Schon wahr; es tat mir auch ein bißchen leid um Nord Korea, vor allem weil sie sich wirklich bemüht und anständig und fair gespielt haben.
Ich hatte glaub ich noch nicht erwähnt, dass ich 2006 zusammen mit meinen Freund als Sanitäterin bei der WM in Stuttgart tätig war.
Mein Freund mußte an dem Tag arbeiten [also als Sani] an dem es in Stuttgart zu der großen Auseinandersetzung gekommen war. Ich hatte an dem Tag frei und hab mir das ganze dann bei CNN angesehen und war einfach nur baff gewesen.
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