Title: The Monster Pairing: Rosalie/Emmett Rating: PG for minor violence Summary: Rosalie is hunting and hears a noise. Couldn't change anything, right? Written for mission_insane fic challenge (Theme- Angst- Broken)
Excellent! I enjoyed this, Rosalie's struggle to not kill him, and Emmett's first glance of the angel who saved him. Well written, I hope to see more by you.
I'm not sure exactly. Just the way you write, and I suppose your verb/adjective choice I'm very familiar with. having read/beta'd nearly all of your fics, lol. I mean, compare this fic to To Run from Regret....the word choice is similar, the tone is similar, the sentence structure is similar.
Thanks! Once again, I spent forever working on this rather than doing my math homework. Emmett/Rosalie takes backseat alot in the Twilight!Fandom, but I think their relationship is just as real as any of the other Cullens. -hugs Emmett- Positive feedback is encouraging and comments give me warm fuzzies!
wow, that was amazing! you wrote it beautifully and you captured the characters and the scenario so perfectly. i'll be keeping up with your writing from now on. :]
Comments 12
good thing I like it then, hunh?
It's so...you.
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