After mutant_cucumber posted her entry about dolls she likes and wants, I figured I want to make entry like this myself. Sorry! Mostly it's rant about dolls I wont buy XD Because really, wht on earth I want SO MUCH GIRL DOLLS?!
Vanilla faceup is the most awesome faceup I ever seen, really (=_=) I am thinking about sending my Freeza to this artist for new faceup when current will fade, she takes faceup orders :3
He'll actually look like her annyoingy happy looking little brother, I suppose. Even if he'll be taller or somth X'D Ohhhhh, I really hope I'll be able to get him soon <3 <3 <3
Zaoll Luv eats my brains slowly, every day, such a beauty she is (=0=) while I was writing this post I was like 'I am in love and everyting, but i'll never buy her' but here I am week or so later, pretty much going to buy her in future. But after I'll get my Bada with body and everything D: Oh no. BJD hobby is growing on me too fast. Stop~ stooop~
awww~ i so want kawainino bada :( was thinking of looking it up but got disheartened when you said it's basically sacred. plus all i have are girlie clothes :O
Comments 6
I love Zaoll Luv too, especially after seeing Eiji!! Too bad I'm stuck with MSDs right now. XD I don't want to get bigger dolls right now.
Lasia is reallllly cute! O_O Really cute! She does kind of look like Aoi Yuu... I see it. xD
Zaoll Luv eats my brains slowly, every day, such a beauty she is (=0=) while I was writing this post I was like 'I am in love and everyting, but i'll never buy her' but here I am week or so later, pretty much going to buy her in future. But after I'll get my Bada with body and everything D: Oh no. BJD hobby is growing on me too fast. Stop~ stooop~
was thinking of looking it up but got disheartened when you said it's basically sacred.
plus all i have are girlie clothes :O
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