Fic: "Scaled" -- my Adama/Roslin Dradis 499 entry!

Sep 07, 2005 21:43

Though that should actually be my Adama/Roslin Dradis 499 winner!!! Even if it is actually 540 words. *glees* I don't have my banner yet, but the story is up at the Dradis BSG fan fiction site.Judy B. said the following about my story: "Very good story, subtle yet strong. We liked it very much ( Read more... )

myfic, good stuff, bsg

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Comments 17

kiaforrest September 8 2005, 03:20:43 UTC

:: sighing ::

bumber samich for Kari!


karihan September 9 2005, 04:55:03 UTC
Well, thank you, Kia!

*peeks between the slices of bread to see what the "bumber" in the "samich" might be.* ^_^


kimbari September 8 2005, 03:32:25 UTC
Bumber samich?

*shakes head vigorously*

Serves me right for reading someone else's comments. (WTF is a bumber samich?)


This was wonderful. "Scaled" For some reason, I was thinking of cleaning a fish. Oh, well, food's always on my mind. Then when you got to Libra... and after and I'm like duh. (Not firing on all thrusters, Lt.)

ANYWAY, I'm rambling like a mother but this was excellent! *squee* Not an old secret but a new secret. (And hopefully the folks on that site have learned their lesson about editing stories without the author's permission. :D)



karihan September 9 2005, 05:02:17 UTC
"Scaled" For some reason, I was thinking of cleaning a fish.

I chose "Scaled" for the title after thinking of the many meanings for/uses of the word. Of course, the most obvious in terms of this story connects with Libra, with being weighed or measured. But the verb also refers to climbing or ascending, and scaling a fish certainly implies the removal of an outer protective layer.

So you were right with all your thoughts. ;^)


(The comment has been removed)

karihan September 9 2005, 05:09:18 UTC
*chuckle* Yeah, I had to pare my usual verbiage waaaay down for this one! Sounds like it was still effective.

I did say smut. But if I put smut in, I can guarantee that simple language will go out the window. ^_^


witchcatz September 8 2005, 04:22:22 UTC
interesting story....and well done on wining!!!


karihan September 9 2005, 05:11:22 UTC
Thank you, Dee! Winning has indeed been a buzz. I just need to get my spiffy banner up someplace!


livilla September 8 2005, 04:58:26 UTC
Oooooh, nice! That's really a great solution to their problem of getting out of their tomb. And I love the whole balanced thing. It's great. :D I love your writing.


karihan September 9 2005, 05:20:45 UTC
Thank you, Alana! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. I've been toying with writing a "director's cut" of this story (namely, what I would have written if I wasn't held to a word limit) to be posted to adama_roslin, but that may need to wait a while. Can't hold off "Gods' Gift" part 6 indefinitely!


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