Real and Life are both four letter words ...

Aug 07, 2006 11:27

... aka an open letter to my flist and anyone else who wanders in here from reading my fic or either of my two muses. ^_ ( Read more... )

myfic, rl, muses, writing, friends, meme

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Comments 16

twilight_mash August 7 2006, 16:30:56 UTC
*squishes Chris* And we only poke you with the stick cause we care!

btw *curious* is Brandon still comin' to Sydney?


karihan August 7 2006, 16:35:45 UTC
*squishes back* Keep poking ... you'll get results eventually. ;)

Yes, he is! He leaves here on the 17th of August (your 18th) and returns on the 8th of September, his birthday. He's quite chuffed about having his birthday for two days this year. ^_^

Anything you and Alana would like that I can send with him? 8^D


twilight_mash August 7 2006, 16:46:58 UTC

Oooh shiny! I'll have... assessments done by then and FREE TIME YAY (heh, I'll bet he's chuffed).

Uhm...YOU. Find a good suitcase and stow away! Or ya know...anything. An autograph!


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karihan August 7 2006, 17:24:01 UTC
Oh, I do love my job, definitely, but it is Very Demanding. O_o

Lessee, you've already had L, G and W, so I shall give you T. And titles beginning with "The" don't count. ;)


kimbari August 7 2006, 17:01:54 UTC
Oooh, I wanna letter. (And be honored that yours is the first out of MANY on my flist I have responded to. ;)


karihan August 7 2006, 17:27:44 UTC
*is humbled*
... )


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karihan August 9 2006, 03:11:40 UTC
*huggles back* It was good to see you too, even if I have developed the embarrassing habit of falling asleep in my comfy computer chair during chat. *^_^* I'm doing okay in general ... mainly dealing with fatigue issues while I try to juggle job/husband/writing/other needed tasks/other stuff I wanna do.

And when I next have something at a beta-able stage, I'll definitely let you know! Though I have this other embarrassing habit of dropping my stuff on people for last-minute betas. ;)


solonia August 7 2006, 19:29:50 UTC
Hey there. I hear ya on the RL and falling behind on Comments, etc. Also, with the exception of Bill and Laura's Date-fic ;) and the new Season 3 promo pic, I've found myself rather bored with BSG-related stuff. Vacation sounds like a good idea. I'd really like to take an entire week off and just spend it on the beach.

I'm also with you on the apartment cleaning. I met a woman who is, among other things, a professional organizer. She's too expensive for me, but just talking to her made me want to get my home more organized.

Anyway...I hope you get caught up on everything you want to do. :)


karihan August 9 2006, 03:30:21 UTC
Organization ... such an elusive concept in my life! I'll see if I can get a bit closer to it over the next few weeks.

BSG boredom hasn't hit with me yet. I suppose that's what channeling a battlestar commander/fleet admiral will do to your brain. O_o I am also grooving on the new promo pic. We'll see what color Bill and Laura's hair *actually* wind up as this season. ;)


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