Title: Led Zeppelin: Box Set [Disk Two. Songs 1-5]
Author: Karesu
Pairing: Wincest
Rating: T [pg-13]
Summary: Dean likes Led Zeppelin, it’s a fact of life. But what no one knows is that for every song- there is a memory.
A/N: DISK TWO! I’ve been trying to finish this set for a while but I actually had time to sit down and WRITE for once. It
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Comments 2
It started, technically, with a girl named Eve eating an apple that gave her a terrible headache and she realized that she had nothing on. If you believe in that stuff.
that totally made me giggle xD
I adore how you portay Sam and Dean's relationship. these stories always leave me smiling from ear to ear ;)
You can smile from ear to ear more- I have two more sets of these [I am determined to get to Stairway to Heaven, damn it!]. But then I think I'll stop writing the LZ:BS stories and work on more longer one-shots.
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