Fic: Halcyon and On and On (1/2)

Feb 02, 2008 23:51

Title: Halcyon and On and On
Author: karenor
Character/Pairing: Ten/Rose, Mickey
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The Doctor did nothing by halves.
Disclaimer: BBC owns all. Including my soul. I'd like it back one day, please. Maybe.
Author's Notes: Sequel to Bind Me, Or Undo Me which I left at a very teasing stopping point. ;) So here I (and the Doctor) try to make good on some promises. Set between GITF and ROTC.
Author's Notes #2: Many thanks to my spectacular beta, principia_coh for all her hard work. Dedicated to requialexa. Title is taken from the Orbital song of the same name.

Part One

Rose stretched on the warm stone, feeling the comforting breeze and sunlight on her skin, and tried to focus on what had woken her. And then the sensation came again, a soft tap upon her nose. From a cool fingertip that could only belong to one person.

She smiled inwardly, but didn’t open her eyes, wanting to see what he’d do next to try to wake her.

“Rooo-ose,” he softly sing-songed, close to her ear. He must be sitting right next to her. He glided his fingertip down past her nose to flutter over her lips and then chin before moving up to her forehead and tapping there as well. “I said, ‘wander, explore,’ not ‘have a kip in the gardens.’”

“Mmm, soft comfy stone, though,” she mumbled at him, rolling onto her back and blinking at the sunlight.

“Yup, it is that.” He bounced on his bum a few times, like a child sitting on a trampoline. “It’s fairly unique to this part of the universe. A wonder the natives abandoned this place. Halcyon,” he said, drawling out the planet’s name, “I’ve heard it called. It’s beautiful. The flowers, they smell divine. And the colours of these plants, it’s extremely rare to have so many colours of the rainbow in one place and not clash horribly. It has to do with the quality of the sunlight; did you know it’s sunny 92 percent of the year here? Yet everything is lush and thriving and bright. Even the dirt itself iridesces. Remarkable.”

She glanced around again, as much as she could from her position, taking in the dream-like beauty of this long-abandoned haven.

“Anyway, up you get.” He pulled her by both arms into a seated position. She used the momentum to propel herself into his arms. He giggled and happily hugged her back.

“Mmm, soft, comfy Doctor,” she mumbled into his neck.

“Oi!” He pulled away. “I am not soft!”

“Oh, fine,” she huffed. “Chiselled, manly Doctor. Now hug me.”

He gave her a brilliant grin and relaxed back into an embrace. It felt so nice to be held by him for no particular reason at all, just for the joy of it. This wasn’t a hug on their way into danger, they hadn’t just barely escaped with their lives (not since yesterday’s incident with an angry Flufervox, anyway). It was just them enjoying being together.

On the tail end of that thought came another. This was the first time they’d been alone in so long. It must have been over a week by now. With the exception of the night after the Doctor returned from Versailles, it had been one crazy adventure after another since Mickey had come along, with little time in the TARDIS for much other than sleep. Each adventure was more harrowing than the next. Mickey’s trial by fire, the Doctor had mentioned, though of course he never intended to bring them into danger.

She lifted her head from his shoulder and gently pulled out of the embrace. “So where’s Mickey?” she asked, plucking at an errant bit of fuchsia-coloured grass that peeked through a crack in the stone beneath her.

“He’s out collecting ceratrif root. The extract helps to make a sort of salve. When things go…sparky, it bridges burnt connections in the TARDIS console workings while she heals herself. Mickey was happy to go on a quest somewhere safe for a change.”

“Can’t the TARDIS make her own… burn cream?”

“She’s been through a lot, our TARDIS. Sometimes she needs a little help.”

“Hmm,” she considered. “So we’re alone for a while?”

“Looks like, yeah.”

There was a pause where neither of them spoke for a moment and then he shifted to draw something out of a trouser pocket.

“Here try this,” he said proffering her something small and bright blue.

“What is it?” she asked suspiciously.

“It’s called an ino berry. Something else hard to find anywhere but here. It’s delicious.”

“What’s it like?”

“You’ll see. Go on, it won’t bite.” He held it up to her mouth.

Rose eyed the berry cautiously. The Doctor smiled slyly, then rubbed the berry slowly across her bottom lip. Her eyes widened at the action. It was the most blatantly sensual thing he’d done to her since they’d shared heated kisses in his study the night when they’d finally let some barriers down between them. But for the small knowing glances he’d throw her way when no-one else was looking, she almost could have believed their relationship had regressed back to the way it had always been-before Sarah Jane, before Reinette-best mates, nothing more.

But there was no question now what was on his mind. His eyes, which a moment ago had been playful, were now smouldering, boring into hers intensely. Her eyes flicked down to his fingers for a second and she parted her lips just enough for him to push the berry in, as she slowly returned her eyes to his.

She briefly tasted the unique flavour of the Doctor’s skin as he withdrew his finger before reflexively biting down on the berry. The taste exploded on her tongue as she broke through the skin of the tiny fruit. It was like all her taste buds had been sleeping and were shocked awake. She’d never tasted a berry quite so marvellous, a quick tang and then a melting, shifting sweetness. It was completely alien and yet somehow elusively familiar, almost like a hybrid of the best of all earth berries. She bit back a moan of enjoyment caused partly by the enthralling flavour of the berry and partly by the way the Doctor was looking at her, watching her reaction.

“Good?” he asked, an eyebrow arching.

“God, yeah,” she said swallowing the last of the berry. “They’re gorgeous.”

“Thought you might like them. I’ve one more left. Have it.”

“Only one left?”

“They’re a bit hard to locate, being so small and blending in as they do with the branches they grow from. Took me the better part of an hour to find just these and one I tried earlier.” He held the berry in his palm like an offering.

She popped it in her mouth and bit down once, but at his look, stopped chewing. Around the fruit she asked, “What?”

“Kiss me.”

“But I’m ch-”

He cut her off, sliding both hands into her hair, hauling her lips to his and immediately plunging his tongue into her mouth.

If the taste of the berry alone could be called an explosion, combining it with the taste of the Doctor was like a bursting supernova. All her senses came alive as her taste buds had; she didn’t realize how starved she’d been for him. And now, unfettered as they were by the emotional turmoil of the last time they’d done this, she happily gave herself over to the sensations, fervently returning the kiss as the small ino berry dissolved between them.

Clutching at his jacket, she pulled him as close as she could, practically crawling into his lap. The kiss was hot and wet and amazing, and she could not recall a time she was ever snogged so thoroughly. The Doctor did nothing by halves. His tongue swept along every corner of her mouth as he tasted her, gliding across hers, fuelling her desire and setting her head spinning.

Finally she dragged her lips away, the need for oxygen becoming too great. When her eyes fluttered open, she found him only a few inches away, watching her with an unreadable expression on his face.

The first word that came to mind was wow, but what she uttered was a shaky, “Doctor?”

He smiled impishly at her. “Sorry, I wanted to share. That all right?”

She pressed her lips together, her tongue flicking out to savour the taste of him there. “Yeah,” she replied, her voice still weak. She cleared her throat and tried again. “But you don’t need an excuse, you know.”

“I know,” he said softly, looking away briefly.

“Thought maybe you might have changed your mind about wanting-”

“No,” he answered decisively, turning the full power of his gaze back on her. His lips curved back into a smile and he brought his mouth close to hers again. “I haven’t changed my mind,” he whispered. “I’m actually quite firm on the subject,” he kissed her lightly in between words, “if you are.”

It seemed as though he might want an answer from her to that, but she was rather preoccupied by the feeling of his lips and tongue trailing over her throat. She only became further distracted as he disentangled their limbs and lowered her to the soft stone, sliding over her. Her voice still having deserted her, she tried to convey her agreement by clutching at his suit jacket, tugging at the layers of fabric covering his back, trying ineffectually to get to skin.

“Rose,” he said, chuckling close to her ear as he slid a hand underneath her t-shirt to glide over her flank, “I wouldn’t want to presume. You do seem quite for the idea.”

“I am!” she gasped out.

He smiled down at her again before reclaiming her mouth. He explored it sweetly, moving his hand to caress a bra-clad breast as he did so, the delicate friction of lace causing Rose to squirm beneath him.

He broke their kiss and lifted her shirt up over her breasts so he could rain kisses atop the newly revealed flesh. He tasted the skin of the breast he’d been neglecting so far, running his tongue across the bit not encased by her bra before yanking the fabric out of the way to take that nipple into his mouth.

Rose knew now, without doubt, of a handful of things his tongue was exceptionally good at, and she positively ached to learn more. She heard unfamiliar low noises issuing from her throat as he released her nipple, and continued exploring her skin with his mouth and hands.

After minutes of licking and sucking and caressing the skin available to him, he continued speaking as if there’d been no pause in their conversation.

“Good, because there are so many things I want to do to you. With you,” he amended, his fingers skimming back and forth at the top of her jeans. “Although, this may not be the beeest place.”

“No, probably not,” she breathed out without much conviction and absolutely no intention of stopping him.

“I hadn’t planned on it when I brought you here, really I hadn’t. Just a holiday. It’s been a bit rough lately, and we could use a day off from running for our lives.” He fitted his body close to hers, one knee between her thighs and she could feel exactly how affected he was by touching her. “Still, this… with you, Rose, it is partly about not wasting opportunities.”

He flicked open the button of her jeans and Rose held her breath as he slowly lowered the zip. She could swear she heard every tooth of it release, thudding loudly as her heartbeat in her chest. For a split-second of panic, she thought she might be having an amazingly vivid erotic dream. Everything that had happened since she awoke here seemed hyper-real, amplified by the hazy light that seemed to always be at mid-afternoon, the swish and flutter of the colourful plants, the soft springy ground she laid on. But the Doctor’s solid weight on her, his hand, finished with her zip and poised now right beneath her navel, those felt very real. She concentrated on trying to breathe normally and licked her lips in anticipation, waiting for him to move again.

He caught and held her gaze, his dark eyes brimming with barely restrained lust, as his hand slipped under the waistband of her knickers to touch the flesh beneath. His eyes slid shut when he reached the damp curls at her centre, immediately finding her most sensitive spot.

When he breathed out her name in something that sounded like wonder, any composure she’d been clinging to snapped. She reached up and fiercely pulled his head down to hers so she could kiss him again, greedily thrusting her tongue in to meet his. He responded to her kiss eagerly and echoed her change in pace with his hand, pressing it firmly against her and beginning a stroking rhythm with his fingertip that might drive her over the edge very, very soon. The fact that no one had touched her like this in so long notwithstanding, he was incredibly talented. No unsure fumbling and searching like other blokes she’d been with, just his perfect, nimble fingers playing her like a master musician did his favourite instrument.

She arched beneath him, pushing her hips into his hand as she sought out anywhere to touch him. She settled on his hair, running her hands through it again and again, mussing it deliciously while she continued dancing her tongue against his. She clutched at his head harshly when he slid his hand further downward. Shoving aside fabric where necessary, his thumb took over teasing her while two fingers slid just inside her.

“God,” she gasped against his lips, breaking their kiss.

He apparently took this as encouragement and he pushed further inside before withdrawing and thrusting again. She was again amazed at how he seemed to know exactly how and where to touch her, just the right speed and pressure, and in just a few strokes of those magical fingers, she was clenching powerfully around them as he brought her to a blinding orgasm. Her eyes squeezed shut and she pressed her mouth into his neck to muffle her cries, riding out the electric surge of pleasure that coursed through her body.

When she stilled, he eased his hand out of her jeans and rested it on her belly. He lifted himself off her a bit as well, letting her catch her breath. His eyes, still filled with adoration and desire, now also held a wry amusement.

He’s bloody proud of himself!

The thought, when it came, amused her to no end. She tried to contain her mirth behind the lazy smile she knew she was giving him, but it exploded in a fit of giggles.

“What?” he asked, sitting up. He sounded mildly offended and more than a little curious.

She couldn’t answer, and he was looking at her like she’d grown a second head, which made her laugh even more. Then he shrugged and laughed right along with her.

The outburst of laughter felt almost as good as the other release she’d just had. Well, perhaps not quite almost. But she hadn’t realised that so much tension had grown between them lately, despite having agreed not so long ago on where they stood with one another. She felt that tension ebbing away as their laughter faded and he eased his body over hers again-and then another kind began to build. He was still what must be achingly hard, and hot-she could feel that clearly through the layers of clothing between them. She marvelled at his self-restraint-a typical human male might have torn all her clothes off by now and shagged her senseless. She’d already had an amazing climax and she wasn’t sure she could wait much longer.

“Rose,” he said in a low voice. “You are… remarkable.”

“Like the planet?”

“Better than the planet,” he answered, nuzzling her neck by her ear. “It stays here, stationary, and you come with me.”

“Not yet, I don’t,” she whispered huskily. “I think you have some catching up to do.” She slipped a hand down between their bodies to press against him through his trousers.

“Yeah,” he squeaked as she stroked him experimentally, “you might be right about-”

He froze mid-sentence and looked at her curiously. Then, in an instant, his eyes filled with alarm. Quick as a flash, he scrambled off her and stood, as if preparing to flee from her.

“Wha-?” she asked, sitting up, confused.

Turning back, he said quickly, “Sorry. It’s Mickey, I heard him. He’s on his way. And unless you want him to arrive at several absolutely correct conclusions, I’ll just go… over there.” He gestured vaguely to somewhere in the distance, and set off again at her brief nod. Then, after two steps, he turned around again, and hopping comically on the ground, leaned down and kissed her hard one last time before releasing her.

She watched him scamper away, her mind reeling from the lightning-quick shift in activities, but aware enough of what he’d said to make the necessary zips and tugs to make herself appear presentable. She heard Mickey calling just as she was attempting to tame her hair.

“Rose! Doctor!”

She glanced back at the Doctor who seemed to be entranced by the bark of a purple tree on the other side of the large gardens, his back towards the direction Mickey’s voice was coming from. Then she returned her gaze forward and gave Mickey a smile as he came into view around a large shrub.

“There you two are! I’ve been looking all over this crazy planet for you.”

His arms were laden with what must be the root the Doctor sent him after; he even had some crammed in the pockets of his jeans. He was completely covered in shimmering dirt and for some reason that set Rose to laughing again.

“What’s so funny?” Mickey asked indignantly.

“Nothing, just you’re all covered in glittery dirt, holding bits of shrubbery.”

“Pair of wings is all you’d need and you’d be a fairy!” came the Doctor’s animated voice, now close behind her.

“Oi! You sent me after these roots, Doctor! And at least I…” he searched the pair of them, obviously looking for something to comment on. He stepped up to Rose and plucked a dried leaf from her hair. “At least I haven’t got leaves in my hair! What’re you doing on the ground, anyway?”

Rose hoped she wasn’t visibly blushing as she nonchalantly shrugged her shoulders and demonstrated the ground’s buoyancy. “It’s bouncy?”

To be continued…

tenth doctor smut, tenth doctor

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