Doctor Who: A Christmas Carol (knee-jerk reaction post)

Dec 25, 2010 20:11

First, a post about Doctor Who. Then, a post about Christmas. Maybe. Priorities, all that. ;)

This Doctor Who Christmas special marked a few firsts. Obviously, the first one with the Eleventh Doctor. The first one I watched first on BBCA, and therefore the first I watched in proper HD (on first viewing). So, most of that was good.

The not good (nospoilery). 1. Commercials. I expected that, of course. But without editing (a good thing), the cuts were extremely choppy, especially towards the end. They should have had like an… intermission or something. However, the TARDIS infomercial thing was pretty funny. 2. Covering half the screen with the station ID, the show I was currently watching, and what was coming up next for like half the episode. Made me punchy.

The good (nonspoilery). 1. Well, not having to acquire the episode by other means. So not having to really worry about it. The wait was annoying, but it was only a couple hours once I was done with my Christmassing. 2. The aforementioned HD. I watched most of the ep on my parents tv, which is a real HD tv, not our old huge one in the living room, which is CRT, but was HD ready way back in the day, so can received HD broadcasts and it looks good, but not that good.

All right, that being said…

I liked it. Quite a lot. I even sort of liked that it was Amy/Rory light while still having them be important. I wanted to hug the Doctor so many times. The sad notes, especially for him, resonated SO well. With any Doctor, it can be easy to forget sometimes that he is all that have been before him. This episode, in particular, reminded me in several places that he is 900 mumble mumble years old.

I got teary-eyed. Just a bit. At the end. The bit about his beloved. Him being sad that it was over. Just him and Amy being kind of awesome.

I laughed, out loud, several times. The bit with Marilyn? Awesome. I think the Doctor should really just keep getting married to historical figures. Why not? Just that whole bit of him trying to talk to whatshisface and whatsherface while they were making out. The line about shutting himself up in his room to make a new screwdriver after he failed to kiss the girl? HA! Also, :(. But still, funny.

I loved the whole look of it. The blue filters on everything, the dustiness. The steampunk vibe, the sort of really smushed up THIS IS A DIFFERENT PLANET, NO IT'S ALL DICKENSIAN. That was really well done. I liked, also, that the people on this planet were human. Aliens are cool and all, but I love seeing those glimpses of what humans do in the future, and all. And what they retain from the past, and why, and how that changes. I love all of that stuff.

What wasn't working for me? Well... the overarching concept, I guess. The timey-wimey aspect, I mean. For one, I was screaming "DON'T TOUCH THE BABY" in my head at the part where old whatshisface hugs young whatshisface. After all we know about the delicacy of time lines... the whole concept seemed too dangerous for the Doctor to just pull off so... simply? I dunno, not the right word. You can say desperation lead him to it, Amy and Rory and 4000 other people were going to die, I guess. But all the trips? I mean, yeah, he was trying to change whatshisface into a good guy, but still. Awful risky. We KNOW relative time has some bearing on how things happen around the Doctor, so taking all that time out from the "current" time was... weird.

And as fun as all those adventures must have been. We have SO many particulars now... so many stories we KNOW must have happened, but have nothing but still images. Whatshisface (what IS his face? Kazeran?) and pretty chick were basically companions. They should get a book or something. I dunno. The images were poignant and all that, but it felt like we were being... like, deprived of those stories or something.

Oh but it was so great to see Doctor Who again. And Amy and Rory were cute as little cop kissogram and Roman shaped buttons. And Amy looked really pretty as a hologram, in that green light. And the little boy crying over the dying shark. Awww. That was a great little kid. And the snow! Just... *sniffle* I heart Doctor Who.

I did not watch the trailer. I do not wish to see the trailer! BBCA tried to force me. I saw the first frame, and I heard a sentence about 3/4 of the way through, because I thought it'd be over when I went back to live mode (it was like a minute long?). I don't want to know. But the promo of the Doctor and Amy in America was super cute.

I will watch Graham Norton later. I will probably have more thoughts on Doctor Who later as well.

Merry Christmas!

holiday, review

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