May 18, 2010 22:44

Hi All!   Are you going to watch the final LOST this weekend in the U.S.?  And within days, the rest of the planet?  Do ya care?  Or did Darlton completely lose you when they introduced "the Tailies" in
Season 2?" (God knows, they lost me. Seriously. For a couple of years. Pun deliberate and intended.)

Before the utter insanity of what looks to be a hyper-hyped LOST weekend, (begining with the pilot episode Sat. night and dominating Sunday night from 7:00 - 11:00 p.m. with "events" (like 3 alternate endings on Jimmy Kimmell, apparently) and the 2 1/2 hour series finale), I thought I'd take a breath and comment on the one thing others may not...THE PROMOS.

Simply. Awesome.  Whomever is doing them is just soooo good. Using it at the end of the program as next week's tease, then using the same spot throughout the week. BRILL.!
-- The editing & the clips chosen? Very cool. Teasing without revealing too much. Bravo!
-- And the music selections? Awesome. So spot-on perfect. A few weeks ago, when they used the psychotically-creepy song (you know, the one on the psychedlic boat?) from the original "Charlie & the Chocolate Factory?" Did you see that? Fantastic.   (Start half-way in, beginning about 2:40). Gene Wilder? You can be one creeepy dude. And yes, I geeked out completely!
--"There's no earthly way of knowing...
-- Which direction we are going..."
Actual LOST promo:

Next, the spot using The Door's, "The End." tasty.
And now tonight they used a creepy, tiny, older woman's voice...whom I'm trying to figure out.
Linda Hunt (CSI-LA)? Zelda Rubenstein (the tiny Medium in "Poltergeist)? Geraldine McEwan?
Anyone have any idea who this is? I tried to find a link to post but there's nothing out there yet, not even on

Watching the penultimate ep. of "LOST," a few thoughts come to mind... (NO SPOILERS!!!)

1.) Everybody is meeting everybody. Literally. On every "where!" Kinda mind-blowing.

2.) Meanwhile, the bodycount? She keeps on mounting. Whoa! (As one would expect, but still!)

3.) More old favs. are back. YAY!

4.) Chickens are (SERIOUSLY) coming home to roost. Cluck, baby, cluck. And HA!

5.) Ben Linus can still startle, surprise and utterly creep me out. I honor you, actor whose name I keep forgetting (my apologies). Simply amazing work.

6.) Surprises Galore!!

7.) Some LOL moments. And some more (pretty simple) answers.

8.) Ritual!

9.) Me - Much delighted giggling and seat bouncing ensued throughout. (Yes, I am such a child.)

10.) May I just delight quietly, here and now? And say.... I CALLED IT!! From this season's ep.1?  YES!
WHOO HOO!  For once! (Does a quiet Snoopy-Happy-Dance-of-Joy for being on the same page as some of the writers. This does not often happen, and my grandiose plans for characters (overwhom I admittedly have no control) has more often than not ended in tears.  Please allow me to take my joy where/when I can.)

11.) Lastly, can I just angry Sawyer? Saying nothing, but doing that head-lowering/eyes-slitting/bull-about-to-charge thang? Ha! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YEAAAAAAH!   I just LOVE me some retribution/kick-ass Sawyer!
(Yes. We have already established that while I am essentially a peaceful person? I'm not a "nice" girl. At times. Hee!)

Well? Are you gonna watch? Wherever you may be on the planet? Do you even care? Couldn't give a damn?  
Am I laughing alone into the wind? ;-)

EDITED FOR ACCURACY: Well, I guess I can take Zelda Rubenstein off the list, as I was just informed that she has died. I feel awful. Should have checked IMDB. Clearly. Yikes!

Discussion and a Link to the new Promo is here. Come join us!


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