a song of springtime

May 11, 2014 23:08

It has been ages since I posted another "Learn Swedish One Song at a Time" post, so it is time to do so again. Here is a traditional song in celebration of spring. According to its Wikipedia page it was written in 1933 by Evelyn Lindstrom to a slightly revised set of Bond cantata (BWV 212) by Johann Sebastian Bach.

Nu Grönskar Det.

Nu grönskar det i dalens famn, nu doftar äng och lid.
Kom med, kom med på vandringsfärd i vårens glada tid!
Var dag är som en gyllne skål, till brädden fylld med vin.
Så drick, min vän, drick sol och doft, ty dagen den är din.

Långt bort från stadens gråa hus vi glatt vår kosa styr,
och följer vägens vita band mot ljusa äventyr.
Med öppna ögon låt oss se på livets rikedom
som gror och sjuder överallt där våren går i blom!

Which means, roughly:

Now it becomes green in the embrace of the valley, the field and trees have a (lovely) smell.
Come along, come along on a wandering travel in spring's happy time!
Our days are like a golden bowl, filled to the brim with wine.
So drink, my friend, drink light and sent, for the day it is yours.

Far away from the city's grey houses we happily direct our travels
and follow the road's white band towards joyful (full of light) adventure.
With open eyes let us see life's richness
which grows and shoots everywhere that Spring is blooming.

I am not providing a direct link to the song this time, but there are many versions available on youtube if you want to learn it.

learning swedish one song at a time

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