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Comments 22

comeoutcomeout February 17 2007, 14:12:22 UTC
...Sundaes? Sundaes!! I honestly just did a gobsmack as I read that. My brain went chug...chug...omg sundaes! I so vaguely remember!

Seriously love you, cherie. It is going to be awesomeness beyond awesome to hang out with you again :)


kardia February 17 2007, 15:10:12 UTC
hehehe i wasn't sure that you'd remember, because i'd long forgotten about it until i was thinking about exactly what it was that made tripod such a thing between us and, lo and behold, sundaes came to mind! that, and my eternal quest for boxset. ahh, good times.

love you too beautiful *wraps around you* honestly, one of these days i'm just going to scream 'to hell with it all!' and i'll end up on the doorstep of the big gay dorm with a world map and a credit card and ask you to pick a country, any country and then it's you and me and the world cherie. we can pay it back later. tattooed in the uk, drunk in russia, terrorists in the us, married in canada, everything.

(i reread lockpick pornography today. now i want to go fuck the world right up but don't know where to begin so will probably do nothing. mm.)


_megalomania_ February 18 2007, 04:59:31 UTC
Blargh. Phones = evil :(

I've got a motorola v3. Same problem. I just figured it was because I've eaten up all my memory with mp3s of Japanese rock stars though *hides face*. Hmm. So maybe it's not that after all.

There is NOT ENOUGH SQUEE IN THE WORLD when it comes to you visiting Melbourne again. Will you be here at the same time as sodo? *curious* I think she's coming down for comfesty-ness.

*makes the shy face of wondering-if-she-gets-to-see-you and hides under the desk*


kardia February 18 2007, 05:10:14 UTC
the only way i've found to increase the inbox space is to delete all the preloaded quick notes, but even then, that only gives you an extra ten or so :/ if i can work the hack that matt gave me, i'll let you know. more sms space for all!

yes, i am there at the same time as ogface! and of course bella, of COURSE i will see you again. you need to take me to max brenner's remember? (is it max brenner's? that place of chocolatey goodness!) i have to spend some time this week figuring out wtf i'm doing and going to see so ogget and i can book things and so we can flail at people, but you will most definitely be factored into those plans. DEFINITELY.


_megalomania_ February 18 2007, 05:23:14 UTC
Ooh, quick notes *is now madly deleting* :)

I just wish I could delete some of the pics and videos that came with the phone. I keep trying to do it but there doesn't seem to be an option for it. Bastard thing. Of course it's entirely possible that there is an option and it's glaringly obvious to everyone and I just...can't find it *is dumb*.

Ooh, yes, please let me know if that works! I'll have my fingers crossed :D


*asplodes from happiness at the thought* Oh there will be Max Brenners-ness and hugging of your lovely self and even more squeeing and *cannot continue as is TOO DAMNED EXCITED FOR WORDS* :D :D :D :D :D :D :D



sodo February 18 2007, 06:09:43 UTC
pssstt we're staying at the same hotel and of course you're crashing with me so you'll get to see her lotsly ;D


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