Jul 08, 2009 11:31
The Kara Thrace LIVES Ficathon is a general fanfiction challenge community celebrating the life of Kara “Starbuck” Thrace. It was created to explore and illuminate sides of our favorite fighter pilot that may or may not have been explored in much depth on the show and that sometimes tend to get lost in shippy fics.
General fanfiction may include allusions to romantic relationships, may even employ romance as an element to illustrate a larger theme, but, romance, or the lack of it, should not be the point of focus for the story. Action-Adventure, Friendship, Humor, Angst, Comfort, all of these are good categories to explore.
Kara could lead a mission, make a sacrifice, exact revenge, solve a mystery, confess a secret, come to a decision, teach a student, go on a quest, reflect on a mistake, celebrate a victory, learn a lesson, question an order, save a life, or roll the hard six (just to name a few options). The possibilities are endless.
This Ficathon will have two phases (you may participate in one or both):
1) The Instant Gratification Phase: Fic Battle
This will be a prompt-driven gen battle (much in the vein of the porn battles, but hold the smut).
Prompt sub starts: July 8, 2009
Prompt sub ends: July 11, 2009 11:59 PM EST
Master List posted: July 12, 2009
Story posting begins: July 14, 2009 11:59 PM EST
Story posting closes: July 31, 2009 11:59 PM EST
A masterlist of all creations will be posted on or around August 1.
2) The Thoughtful Masterwork Phase: Fic Exchange
This will be a gen fic story exchange. You specify a story you'd like written for you with one or more (if you’d like to give your writer a choice) very specific prompts (i.e. I’d like to see Kara teach Dee how to fly that raptor in Eye of Jupiter or how about a Kara/Laura friendship story set on New Caprica?) and in return you'll be assigned someone else's request to write.
Sign-up Period: August 15-30, 2009
Assignments sent: September 1, 2009
Stories shall be posted here NO LATER THAN October 15, 2009 11:59 PM EST
More rules and sign-up details will be posted here as we approach the sign-up period.
Please comment here or contact me via PM or email at Taragel [at] aol [dot] com, if you have further questions.