GET YOUR FIC ON! Ladies Fic Battle Begins

Oct 02, 2010 00:20


This is a prompt-driven GENERAL fanfiction battle revolving around all of the ladies of the BSGverse. 

General fanfiction may include allusions to romantic relationships, maybe even employ romance as an element to illustrate a larger theme, but, romance, or the lack of it, should not be the point of focus for the story. Let's face it, the BSG ladies were awesome and they didn't always get the chance to show off that awesome. Especially in the latter seasons of the show.

Action-Adventure, Friendship, Humor, Angst, Comfort, all of these are good categories to explore. The ladies could lead a mission, make a sacrifice, exact revenge, solve a mystery, confess a secret, come to a decision, teach a student, go on a quest, reflect on a mistake, celebrate a victory, learn a lesson, question an order, save a life, or roll the hard six (just to name a few options). The possibilities are endless

Prompt sub starts: October 1
Prompt sub ends:  October 5 11:59 PM EST
Master List posted: October 6
Fic posting begins: October 7 11:59 PM EST
Fic posting closes:  October 15 11:59 PM EST

General Rules:

Prompts may be simple words, phrases, concepts, song lyrics, scenarios, or quotes you’d like used. I heartily encourage specific and unusual prompts.

Sample: zombies, happiness is a warm gun, “You win some, you lose some”

Submit as many prompts as you like as often as you like. (Please do not edit posts, but add any additional prompts after your first post in a new comment.)

Get your thinking caps on and HAVE FUN!

And please spread the word to BSG fic fans far and wide! The more participants, the merrier!


fic battle

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