Baby Love

Aug 18, 2010 12:27

So, we got into this a little the other day in the comments but Kara with kids? Yes? No? Only under certain circumstances? What do you think Kara would've done if she'd gotten pregnant? Would she keep it? Seek an illegal abortion? What if she kept Kacey? How would her life have changed?

I'm a little torn on this. I'm not sure Kara would naturally want kids for a lot of reasons (not just the abuse, but she's a pretty self-centric person and kids are tough to fit into that equation), but I do tend to think that if she found herself in a position of having them (either pregnant or taking care of Kacey or some other situation), she would probably rise to the occasion as we see her do in the NC arc. Then again, that's a pretty different situation from normal living. She's definitely in protector mode with Kacey, it's a brief period of time, and certainly there are no shots of her dealing with dirty diapers or the other mundane frustrations of everyday living.

What do you think?

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