More picspamy goodness!
1. Top 5 “Just Because It’s Hot” Ships2. Top 5 Almost Ships
3. Top 5 Ships (That Aren’t My Two Untouchable OTPs)
These are couples that I enjoy, and I'm more interested in their long term romantic potential than my 'Just Because It's Hot' couples, but I'm still not fully emotionally invested, for a variety of reasons. Couples that I wouldn't mind seeing go places, but I won't be terribly upset if they don't.
Hardison/Parker (Leverage)
I can never decide if I want anything to happen with them or not. I just don’t want anything to screw up the team dynamic. Plus, I kind of love that Hardison is so sweet one her, and Parker is just kind of generally oblivious to the entire concept of romance most of the time. But still, they’re really sweet. It all depends on how they (potentially) write it.
Damon/Elena (the Vampire Diaries)
I am thisclose to shipping them hardcore. It’s very possible that by next season they will be in my top 5 ships. But I want just a little more growth from Damon before I see anything happen with them. I’m also not a fan of cheating, so I’d like it if Elena wasn’t with Stefan when she and Damon finally hook up (you know they will, that Damon/Katherine-pretending-to-be-Elena kiss in the finale was too hot to leave it at that). And speaking of Katherine, I’d like to eventually see Damon with the actual Elena, but in the meantime, it’s the same actors, with the same chemistry, and I’m all for some angry hate sex. Just sayin’.
Tony/Ziva (NCIS)
I go back and forth on these two. It usually depends on if the writers have decided to make Tony their butt monkey in any given episode. ‘Cause the thing is, when they let Tony act like an adult, I think these two are great together. But the writers don’t seem to care about consistent growth. Tony will do something to show a growing maturity, and then a few episodes later he’s acting like a 12 year old again. When he’s like that, Ziva’s way too good for him. Give me an adult, consistently written Tony, and then we’re in business, because Cote and Michael really do have good chemistry. Stop fucking it up, writers!
Gwen/Arthur (Merlin)
I want to ship them without reservation so badly. But I can’t. It’s the legend. It’s hanging there, over their heads, and I can’t ignore it. This story is different already. Gwen is not a noblewoman, and they’re not entering an arranged marriage. Their feelings for each other are reciprocated. But Lancelot is still there. Gwen cares about him. He cares about her. Clearly something is going to happen. The triangle may not end up the way it does in the myth, since the writers are already changing things as they please. But it could. And I’m too nervous about that to really throw myself behind A/G. Maybe once the series ends and we know who ends up with who I’ll be able to retroactively ship the hell out of it.
Kaylee/Simon (Firefly)
I have a weird relationship with ships on Firefly. On the one hand, I like most of the canon couples. Even Mal and Inara, who I don’t think would have ever really worked, had some interesting scenes. And of course I always enjoyed Zoe/Wash. But I never really actively shipped any of them. I was happy with what we were shown and never really craved anything else. But if there was one couple on that show that I found myself curious about, it was Kaylee/Simon. Simon was far more awkward in his crush on Kaylee than Kaylee was with her crush on Simon, and I found that really endearing and a nice change of pace. If we’d gotten more of this show, and Kaylee/Simon led to more shirtless scenes like the one at the end of Serenity, I could have shipped them just fine.