OTP Picspam

Jun 01, 2010 23:39

I was very pleased that one of my OTPs ended up winning my Sexy Survivor meme.  And it made me think about my OTPs and shipping.

I'm a serial shipper.  I love romance, I'm sappy, and it doesn't take much for me want two characters to get together.  But that's not quite the same as OTP.  I have many ships.  I have many ships I feel very strongly about.  I have only two ships that I feel strongly enough about to call OTP.  Oh sure, I'm sure I've used that term fairly indiscriminately in the past, and I probably will again in the future.  But when it comes right down to it, these are the couples that completely consumed me with their story.  They're the ones that left me breathless.

Sawyer/Kate (Lost)

The finale didn't go their way, and I have to accept that.  But it doesn't change my feelings or my interpretation of 6 prior seasons.  If Darlton wanted to convince me these two were meant to be with other people, they failed miserably.  They were the Han and Lea of Lost, alternating between fighting and loving, always snarky, never boring.  They were volatile and sexy, sweet and sassy.  They were, and forever will be, my Lost OTP.

My top moments:

#5- Glass Ballerina Kiss

Testing your captor's response time never looked so sexy.  I love that Sawyer had a plan to find out exactly what kind of a chance at escape they had, and I love that it, of course, involved kissing Kate.  She didn't seem to mind too much.  These two could generate heat in the middle of Antarctica.

#4- I Never

What started out as just a fun game turned out to be a revelatory experience for them both.  They just wanted to kill some time, but they ended up learning so much more about each other than dumb trivia.  It's not just that they trusted each other, even then, to open up about their dark pasts, it's that they understood each other well enough to know what questions to ask.

#3- Jailhouse Rock

Taken outside of the context the 'sideways flashes' ultimately took, this scene is quintessential Sawyer/Kate.  They're snarky and flirty, even when at odds, undeniably attracted to each other even when they shouldn't be.  And even in the context of the sideways, that it was a purgatory of sorts after their deaths, when they were supposedly trying to find their ways to their supposed 'soulmates', it's Sawyer and Kate who can't stay away from each other.  They're the ones that keep meeting, against all odds.  That keep getting pulled back into each others orbit.  They can't help but feel that connection.  They're like magnets.  They don't need memories of an old life to know there's something there.

#2- Spectacular Kiss

In the weeks leading up to the season 4 finale we were promised a 'spectacular kiss, the kind that makes time stand still'.  We were not disappointed.  Sawyer, knowing that the helicopter won't make it to the boat if they don't lose more weight, jumps to save his friends and give them a chance to escape.  He can't resist giving Kate, the first woman he ever loved, one last kiss.  But first he entrusts her with a secret, something he never told anyone else.   He has a daughter.  He never did right by her.  Please make sure she's taken care of.

#1- I Do

Of course, the iconic Sawyer/Kate scene.  For all that Lost had a ton of romantic hookups, it actually had relatively few 'sex scenes'.  This was their first, and greatest.  Nothing that came after could beat this for shear beauty.  And it shouldn't have been beautiful.  They were in a cage, for crying out loud!  Sawyer was hours away from being executed!  But everything, from the acting to the lighting to the music, made this an achingly beautiful and real scene.  I don't think Kate's ever looked as beautiful as she does when he carries her off, sunlight making her glow.

Kara/Sam (Battlestar Galactica)

These two will always have a special place in my heart, not only because they were just awesome, but also because they're one of my few ships that hasn't ended in heartbreak for me.  I mean, OK, their end was sad, but in a bittersweet yet hopeful way, not in a 'they never loved each other that much' way.  And I was so relieved, because I really expected for Ron to go the 'hero gets the girl' route even if it ignored the more organic parts of the storyline that were leading in another direction (*glares at Lost*).  Kara and Sam had an incredibly complex relationship that wasn't always pretty or nice or romantic, and the writers let that be.  They never tried to make them into something they weren't, and that was great because what they were was real and heartbreaking and beautiful.

My top moments:

#5- It's OK, Baby

I had a bad feeling going into this episode, and when Sam crumpled, so did my heart.  I just knew Ron was going to screw us over.  And then Kara stayed.  She left the rescue of Adama and the ship to her capable friends and she stayed by her husband's side, even when she was out of bullets and strength.  She didn't waver.  The second that bullet hit, it was all about Sam.  Her husband was her priority.  That didn't make her weak, it made her human.

#4- Angry Demetrius Sex

So wrong, yet so hot.  This isn't an easy scene to watch.  It's brutal.  Kara says some really awful things, and she's not entirely wrong.  Yet Sam's not wrong either, when he tells her she's just scared.  This is what I love about them.  They're messy and complicated.  They can be mean to each other, but they still love each other.  You can't hurt each other like they hurt each other if there's no love.

#3- Pyramid Game

I love this for all the reasons I love Kate/Sawyer.  It's fun and sexy it just oozes chemistry.  In the middle of a radioactive wasteland Kara and Sam put it all aside for just a little while and take the time to remember what life was like before the Cylon's destroyed it all.

#2- Goodbye

This was the point in the series finale where I started bawling like an infant.  This scene was so full of love.  Way back when, Kara gave Sam one of her dogtags.  It was a physical symbol of her promise to come back for him.  Over the course of their relationship, whether Sam is wearing the tag is a sign of where they are as a pair.  During their bad times, it disappears.  When things start to look up, she's given it back to him.  Here Kara doesn't give him one tag, she gives him everything.  And there's regret, I think, in her voice when she tells him she loves him.  She waited too long.  It didn't matter how she treated him, she knew he'd be there, so she took out so much on him.  She didn't take the time to appreciate him or tell him what he meant to her.  Not until it was too late.  Until he was already gone.  It's so sad to see her let go like that.  And then he smiles, and he says he'll see her on the other side, and you know it's true.  He's a hybrid, and oracle now, he knows things.  And he sees how close she is to letting go and moving on.  I don't believe anyone could have made him pilot the fleet into the sun, he chose to do it.  Because he knew he wouldn't be alone for the next part of the journey.

#1- Drunk Kisses

This was pretty much the happiest that either of them were for the entire series.  There was no holding back.  They were completely, unabashedly happy to be alive and together and nothing could touch them, not even Lee's presence.  Sam put his trust in Kara and she came through.  Kara gave Sam her word and kept it.  The end of the world didn't matter right then.  It was just them, they were each others whole world for a few hours.  

picspam, sawyer/kate, bsg, kara/sam, lost

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