Title: A Strong Young Man
Characters: Urahara, Renji
Locale: Renji's quarters, the institute.
Timeframe: Before this log.
What: Urahara brings Renji a meal after Renji admits he's been skipping them.
Rating/Warning: PG-13. Renji and stuff
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Comments 17
Contemplating his boredom with a self-analytical detachedness which he wasn't accustomed to (it felt like that early-morning silence, stale air, no movement, hanging, gliding, floating, numbness) Renji thought that it was really weird. In a situation like this, he shouldn't be feeling something as mundane as boredom -- should he? He should be angry.
Not bored. Bored was, surely, a state of mind for a situation a little less -- what? Renji couldn't think of the right word -- and no way in hell was he going to use something as melodramatic as "dire" or anything like that. Especially because it fucking wasn't.
Maybe, he thought, he was just too tired to be anything but bored. He lay on his bed, staring at the ceiling, and wished that the tiredness were physical; then maybe he could sleep. But it was something in his mind, and normally he would be fighting it, but at the moment he was too bored.
A self-perpetuating cycle? he wondered. Might be.
Why the hell didn't he care? It ( ... )
He wasn't so sure Renji wouldn't slam it on his arm if he hadn't been holding a pitcher full of apple juice, but there you have it. He made his way into the room, patently ignoring Renji's protests. "Nonsense," Urahara said, tutting at the red-haired boy, "Go away? I spent twenty minutes slaving over a perfectly room-temperature counter to make this for you, so you ought at least pretend to politely eat it. I'm worried, you know. You shouldn't be skipping meals ( ... )
He reminded Urahara of those sorts of sailors that went to South Pacific islands and came back covered in ink. He liked the thought of that; that Renji was finding his own way in the world.
"Firstly," he said, mimicking Renji's own conversation structure. "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Secondly, what my job is is immaterial. What I want to do is make sure you're feeling well, as a person, ( ... )
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