I'm going to do a theme round this time, just because I'm in a rush and can't get images loaded. I've done this theme in other communities and it's been really fun and successful, so I hope you guys like it to.
The theme is "If I knew then what I know now..." The idea is to take an icon you made of Kara at any point in time, for any reason (it can be for a challenge here, for another community or just something you made for you or for fun, what ever), and you remake it. Remake it in the style you use now. So say you have learned a new way to color icons, or you want to do selective coloring, or add texture, or text. What ever. The only requirement is that you change your original icon in some way.
You can use your original icon as a base, or you can 'recreate it' from the screen cap you used before (so say you want more negative space, you can do back to the original cap). Some examples of changed icons from my toon community are behind the cut to give you an idea.
When you submit your icons, you can submit as normal. You do not need to include the 'original' icon. This also means that you have the option to just create all new icons if you'd like.
I know this is a strange theme, so if you have any questions, just ask! Either here or PM me.
Don't forget to read the rules before you enter. They can be found
Last day to post icons: Monday, May 23st @ 10 PM
(EST)Voting will start: Monday, May 23st @ 10 PM
(EST)Winners will be announced: Wednesday, My 25rd
More specific rules can be found
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Tie breaker poll for Round 142 will be up in a few hours.