Title: Moonlight Sleeping On A Midnight Lake Fandom: Torchwood Character: Gwen Cooper (Gen) Rating: G Notes: Written for tw100 Challenge #162-Homeless. Unbeta'ed Summary: Looking for Torchwood.
That's gorgeous, and so very true. And Africa always makes me think of Buffy and the First Slayer etc. and it seems very appropriate for Torchwood too.
As for the title - as soon as I read it, I had the rhythm of the song going through my head and yes, it would be the first thing that came to my mind if I read the prompt too. :-)
Comments 23
As for the title - as soon as I read it, I had the rhythm of the song going through my head and yes, it would be the first thing that came to my mind if I read the prompt too. :-)
Glad to hear I'm not alone in all my musical associations.
Thanks for reading and commenting.
Yeah. This.
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