"Once Bitten" TW Drabble Gwen/Rhys, Gwen/? Rating-PG Wordcount-100

Jul 29, 2010 17:04

Title: Once Bitten
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairings: Gwen/Rhys, Gwen/?
Rating: PG
Notes: Written for tw100. Challenge 161-Bugs. Unbeta'ed
Summary: The Tale of the Bite

“What’s this then?” Rhys asks, touching the bruise on Gwen’s back.

“Oh that,” she replies, trying to sound casual, “it’s a bug bite.”

“What sort of bug? One of your space thingies?”

“Yes, They’re bright yellow with luminescent wings and serrated teeth. Hunter-gatherers from the Andromeda galaxy. We had to shoo them all back through the rift but...”

“All right. Fine. Just as long as you’re all right.”

“Of course I am.”

Gwen sighs. There’s no need for Rhys to know how that particular mark came to be there.

She’ll just have to tell Tosh to be more careful next time.

torchwood, tw100, fanfic, gwen/rhys, drabble, gwen cooper

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