Title: Forgotten Heat
Fandom: Torchwood
Character: Owen Harper
Rating: R
Notes: Written for
tw100. Challenge 160: Random Titles. Unbeta-ed. Takes place post-Reset
Summary: What you had and what you lost.
The longer he stays like this, the harder it is to remember what he’s lost.
Owen knows he used to care about a belly full of good food, the mixed blessings of drunken oblivion, and of course, the unending pursuit of the next shag.
Now the images are still there; he can see himself fucking and being fucked, hear the moans and obscenities he emitted and elicited. On a good day, he can even tick off the names, at least the ones he bothered getting in the first place. What’s gone is the wanting.
That’s what he misses the most.