"Only A Pawn" Torchwood Fic Jack/Gwen UST 900 Words PG13

Jan 13, 2010 12:51

Title: Only A Pawn
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack/Gwen UST (references to Jack/Ianto, Gwen/Rhys, Gwen/Owen)
Rating: PG13
Wordcount: 900
Notes: Takes place during Series 2, pre-Something Borrowed. Unbeta-ed, feel free to jump in.
Summary: Jack comes home to the unexpected.

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canon subversion, jack/gwen, jack/ianto, torchwood, barely utilitarian fuck toy, fanfic, real!jack

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Comments 35

samstjames January 13 2010, 21:18:40 UTC
OMG... awesome!
Exactly what I needed after a long day :D.


karaokegal January 13 2010, 21:28:56 UTC
I REALLY REALLY didn't plan to write this one. I've pretty much said all I need to say in Role Reversal...but it got in my head and wouldn't go away. So here it is.

Thanks for reading and commenting. Glad it made you happy. :)


samstjames January 14 2010, 07:02:48 UTC
Sometimes ideas are like this: pestering you the whole day :D.


filthgoblin January 14 2010, 00:01:57 UTC
An excellent reflection of Torchwood morals. They're none of them angels. Not a single one.

Very nice :D


karaokegal January 14 2010, 00:13:18 UTC
This one literally hit me this morning and wouldn't go away. So much for the whole...no more fanfic thing.

Glad you liked. I think it's hysterical that people who love J/I try to trash Gwen's morals. I think that the moral equivalence is what makes them so attractive to each other.


lefaym January 14 2010, 01:37:30 UTC
Once again I'm fascinated by where we agree and where we don't. :)

This isn't really concrit, because I'm certainly not going to argue that your interpretation of Gwen is any less valid than mine, even though it is quite different in some ways -- I think your Gwen is a lot more explicitly calculating than mine; in this story she knows exactly what's going on and she's willing to manipulate everything so that it runs smoothly. Personally, I see Gwen as someone who wants J/I to work out for similar reasons, but she does it more subconsciously -- because she feel less guilty about the UST between her and Jack if Jack is paired up with someone else. J/I allows her to deflect her feelings for Jack, in a way, by projecting them onto Ianto -- in many ways, I think she subconsciously views J/I as a safeguard against her feelings for Jack.


karaokegal January 14 2010, 01:59:23 UTC
Thanks, as always for reading and commenting from your side of the chasm ( ... )


talkingtothesky January 14 2010, 16:46:10 UTC
Brilliant. :) I like the shades of grey in this.

Also, I gave up on that around the same time corsets went out of fashion. Hee! ♥


karaokegal January 14 2010, 17:17:46 UTC
Thanks! I sometimes go with the "Torchwood corrupts everyone" theory, but perhaps it also attracts people who are morally damaged as well as emotionally broken.

Glad you like the corset line. :)


beta_goddess January 15 2010, 03:27:14 UTC
Oh, I love this one. You know I'm in your sandbox, so the basic concept works for me, but you've also got a lot of subtle implications in just a few words here... implications about Gwen's place in the team compared with Ianto's, about what might happen in the future between Jack and Gwen, and about what doesn't need to happen between them in order for them to have something neither of them has with anyone else. The bit about how well they read each other says most of it, really, and I like the reference to John, which further underlines the implications.

You're an O'Neill drama, you're Whistler's mama, you're Camembert!" IOW, nice stuff. :)


karaokegal January 15 2010, 07:07:53 UTC
Thanks sweetie! I reallyreally had no intention of writing any more TW, because I feel like we said it all with Role Reversal, but this one just started demanding to be written.

You're romance...you're the Steppes of Russia...You're the pants...on a Roxy Usher!


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