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Comments 47

the_summoning_d July 4 2009, 19:54:47 UTC

If that was a fic, I'd be telling the writer to get their OOC crap the hell out of my fandom. Stupid canon.


karaokegal July 4 2009, 19:58:46 UTC
Canon, schmanon baby. I say its spinach and I say the hell with it.


donutsweeper July 4 2009, 20:03:05 UTC
I thought all three audios were poorly done. OOC and rifled with canon errors/inconsistencies and just, well, boring.

And Ianto's speech was... *ahem* ridiculous.


karaokegal July 4 2009, 20:10:55 UTC
Luckily, (ahem) I'm going by transcripts and fan reaction and all I can say is that I've yet to see a self identified "Janto* (SHUDDER) fan, who isn't a big, swoony mess over the whole thing, so I have to assume they're buying into this version of the relationship and they're just hunky-dory with it. (That's some mighty fine kool-aid they've got over there.)


donutsweeper July 4 2009, 20:24:49 UTC
I actually listened (while walking). Thank god audios aren't officially canon. I don't get why the Janto folks are that happy with it- Basically Ianto said he knew, in the long rin, he wouln't matter to Jack.


karaokegal July 4 2009, 20:26:40 UTC
Presumably because of the "bone" Jack threw him. (Which to me is just another version of the kiss in TTLM...STFU IANTO!)


filthgoblin July 4 2009, 23:46:59 UTC
Not heard it. Not likely to. I honestly don't give a fuck about this fandom any more. I'm done. Over. I know I've said it before, but this is going to be the last time I mention it. I have one more fic that I want to get out of my WIP and only then cos it's *this* far off done, and then I'll never darken TW's door again. Entertainment is supposed to be entertaining, not stressful and wracked with disappointment and wank. Watch it til it stops being fun, I say. And the fun stopped a while back, so yeah. Tapping out.

Just wanted to say that I'll miss you when you're away this coming week. I totally understand why you're doing it and with just a handful of fandom friends to my name I'm lucky not to be likely to be subjected to squee over this. But I'll be glad to have you back :)


karaokegal July 5 2009, 00:15:53 UTC
I know. You're right. I should just walk away and sequester myself with LoM, SoP, and the other fandoms that don't cause me pain. But I'm not and I can't.

I'll be back soon enough to re-start the good fight. (And I'm leaving a whole list of good Jack/ABI fics to help tide the real!Jack believers over. As well as my last real!Jack fic before the fall.)


peterwilliams July 5 2009, 01:43:48 UTC
Two words describe this perfectly: Fan Service.


karaokegal July 5 2009, 01:45:11 UTC
But only Those Fans. I consider it Fan Dis-Service. (And bone-throwing)


zsazsa4168 December 5 2009, 19:56:58 UTC
Based on the above, and other things I've read, I think you just may be the person to give me a considered answer to a question about Ianto ( ... )


karaokegal December 5 2009, 22:01:03 UTC
Always happy to have a chat about all things TW related ( ... )


zsazsa4168 December 5 2009, 23:18:37 UTC
Even in the parts where I don't agree with you, I find your take such a refreshing departure from fandom consensus that I'm glad I asked.

The Ianto you describe is obvious to me in CoE, but I was SURPRISED by it. The first two series didn't prepare me for it. I think part of my confusion was the things RTD and the actors said ABOUT the relationship. Seriously, at times during CoE I wondered if Jack and Ianto had known each other more than a few days, and if they had, what value either saw in the relationship. I think, looking back, where you saw self-righteousness and whining, I saw delusional and doormat.

So, although it didn't bother me (at the time or now) I can see how you and Owen might, for example, take serious exception to Ianto's behavior in A Day in the Death. Which gives me the plot bunny I'm after, and it should be an interesting one to flesh out. Thanks.

I hope my new friend won't be sorry she asked.


karaokegal December 6 2009, 00:33:20 UTC
I've written fairly extensively about my view of Ianto, including one post, where I compile all the places that indicate Ianto's whining/clinging and Jack's lack of emotional. I call it BUFT for Barely Utilitarian Fuck Toy. It's not particularly kind, but I think it reflects the real onscreen relationship as well as what makes sense for Jack's character based on his appearances in Who and the way he is with the other characters. It's a controversial post with a lot of wank in the comments, so I'll link if you want, or you can find it in tags.

I have a recurring line in my John/David RPS fics. Well two, actually. One is "Lay off the scones, John." and the other is "Don't believe everything Russell tells you."

Here's a carrot for your plot-bunny. Hope it grows up to be big and strong, but not schmoopy. Please be true to who Jack Harkness really is.


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