Wow! A Torchwood S3 promo shot that doesn't require a emesis basin!

Jun 13, 2009 13:13

Thanks to hllangel for brightening up my day by bringing this to my attention ( Read more... )

happydancing, torchwood, barely utilitarian fuck toy

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Comments 45

utterlystrange June 13 2009, 20:30:42 UTC
I took one look and went 'THREESOME'

I do like Jack/Ianto, I really do. But Jack/Ianto exclusively? Yeah, not going to happen, and I don't want it to.

And I definitely don't want Jack/Gwen, or Jack/ANYONE exclusively. :P


karaokegal June 13 2009, 20:36:06 UTC
Jack/ANYONE exclusively

And yet apparently Viagra Man was up at Torchtanic saying that Jack is now a "one man man." So either he's full of self-serving crap or the Character Assassination and Castration is full-speed ahead.

I'd be thrilled with canon J/I/G, as long as it's clear that it's completely equal. (Sorry Rhys, IT'S JACK) BUT I think it's very hard to imagine canon-Ianto sharing. (I won't re-list the litany of his possessiveness, but I'm sure you know it as well as I do.)


utterlystrange June 13 2009, 20:39:43 UTC
I've only seen season one and I think the first episode of season two. I'm sticking with that. :P

Maybe canon Ianto wouldn't share, but hey, what's fanon for?

Fixing the mistakes of the Powers That Be.


karaokegal June 13 2009, 20:46:53 UTC
That's why I'm committed to keep writing real!Jack, not matter what RTD does in the name of his Mary Sue fetish.


drunken_hedghog June 13 2009, 20:37:39 UTC
It does scream threesome, doesn't it? With, of all people, Ianto in the middle. Definitely looking the most submissive there.

Where are the other images?


karaokegal June 13 2009, 20:48:28 UTC
If it's a threesome, where's the indication that Jack knows Ianto is even there?

The pictures have been all over the place. It was a spread from Gay Times that made it look like my worst nightmares of character assassinataion were coming true, which I still think is the case. I'll hold my nose and dig up a link if you really want it.


drunken_hedghog June 13 2009, 20:56:15 UTC
Can you imagine anyone laying a hand on Jack without his permission?

Nah, it's fine, I wouldn't put you through that. You've given me somewhere to start looking so it's all good.


karaokegal June 13 2009, 22:36:01 UTC
I'm just saying it kind of screams "buft" to me. Someone he's had, but whose touch doesn't evoke much interest any more.

The pix were all over various comms last week provoking much OMG JANTO TWU WUV Squeeeeee from the JiJis.


aeron_lanart June 13 2009, 21:59:40 UTC
I see Jack trying to hold onto Gwen or hold her back as she's not leaning into the touch. That's very much 'I'm the boss and this is what *I* want' kind of body language on his part. Kind of what I'd expect really. Funny how Gwen's wedding ring is so prominently displayed...

As for Ianto, he just looks resigned; kind of 'I'll make do with what I can get but this is what I want'.

I like the pic much better than the Gay Times one (though I liked the one of Ianto on his own with the big gun - the mechanical one, not Jack).


karaokegal June 13 2009, 22:37:57 UTC
Whatever he's trying to do, it's sure as hell not reacting to Ianto. :)

There's really no way the JiJis can spin that particular picture into schmoopy-oopy twu-wuv vision of J/I. It's only one picture, but at least it's been allowed to be out there.


aeron_lanart June 13 2009, 22:44:20 UTC
There's really no way the JiJis can spin that particular picture into schmoopy-oopy twu-wuv vision of J/I.

Ain't that the truth! I am so glad about that, but even so I'm sure they'll *try* - and then we shall have to sit and giggle at them.


karaokegal June 13 2009, 22:47:25 UTC

I'm dying to see them try and spin this one, although not enough to waste my time reading threads at Torchwood a/k/a Jack/Ianto Shippers United.

So far nothing from the stalkers as far as I've been advised. (I did have one un-friending as a result of these posts, but at least they had the balls to PM me and tell me why they were doing it. I'm frankly surprised it took so long.)


alba17 June 14 2009, 02:32:26 UTC
I have to say, the first thing I thought of when I saw this pic was "threesome!".


karaokegal June 14 2009, 02:38:02 UTC
I honestly don't understand that from this particular picture. The end of Exit Wounds, sure, the Jack grabs and kisses Gwen and Ianto in Journey's End definitely, but the way that Ianto is looking all miserable and clingy while Jack is only touching Gwen doesn't really suggest threesome, at least not one where Jack seems to give much of a damn about Ianto. Which is fine by me. If it's a real Jack threesome where Ianto has basically tried everything in the book to avoid it and Jack said, "she's in whether you like it or not," then, I'm all over it and maybe that's what the picture reflects.

I mean LOOK at that expression on Ianto's face. It's not exactly WoW! I'm getting to fuck Jack and Gwen.

But as I've said, if they'd do a canon threesome, I'd be fine with it. (Sorry, Rhys) but show me any indication that Ianto ("partners in what way? "are you going back to him?" "what soldier" etc etc) would be willing to share. I'd love it, especially if the JiJis hated it, but I think it would take a major re-write for Ianto.


severinne June 14 2009, 02:50:16 UTC
I don't normally touch your Torchwood business with so much as a ten-foot pole, but my first thought on looking at that pic was 'Holy fuck, bad amateur Photoshop' because, well, look at Ianto's arm. That's just wrong. No wonder Jack would rather have Gwen ;)

On second glance, it could just be poor composition as well, but now all I'm staring at is badly-distorted Ianto-arm. *shudder*


karaokegal June 14 2009, 02:55:25 UTC
Thanks for venturing into the dark recesses. This is apparently "official" stuff, as much as the PUKE!SCHMOOP pictures. So....yeah. I just love that Ianto is touching Jack and Jack is not looking and not touching back. That's all I care about, as petty and eeeeevil as it is.


rose_cat June 14 2009, 05:56:20 UTC
It is pretty bad Photoshop. Jack's head looks HUGE in relation to everything else. (No Face of Boe references please :p )


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