"Violation" Torchwood/Dr. Who drabble WARNING-RAPE FANTASY

May 24, 2009 21:48

Title: Violation
Fandom: Dr. Who/Torchwood
Characters: Jack/Capt. John/The Doctor
Rating: R
Notes: Inspired by this entry in fandom_secrets: http://i43.tinypic.com/2luyj5z.png
Written for mmom, Day 24.
Warning: Rape fantasy.
Summary: One of Jack's favorite fantasies.
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mmom, doctor who, fanfic, drabble, john hart, torchwood, the doctor, mmom 2009, jack harkness

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Comments 12

filthgoblin May 25 2009, 13:01:07 UTC
Wow, you really know how to hit my buttons. Voyeurism, non-con and wanking? All in 100 words? Nngh.


karaokegal May 25 2009, 16:24:19 UTC
Thanks sweetie. The secret itself (not mine!) provoked some wank (not the good kind) because I insisted that Jack would find the image hot and might be jealous of John and the Doctor in that situation inspite of the noncon. So I decided to make a ficlet out of it.


filthgoblin May 25 2009, 16:42:53 UTC
Secret? I am aware of no secret. Just hotness.


severinne May 25 2009, 18:47:07 UTC
Well, damn, but I really like this idea. Probably too much, actually, in that wish-it-were-longer-and-more-detailed-and-I'm-really-going-to-the-special-hell-now sorta way. But it's a damn compelling idea working a lot of layers in 100 words. Drabbling at its finest, thanks for sharing!


karaokegal May 25 2009, 18:51:33 UTC
I actually intended for it to be longer and far more detailed, as in pretty damn graphic, but the long version was kind of eluding me and last nights MMOM deadline was closing in. I might put it into the "to-do" pile for expansion, especially since I'm not planning to cross-post it.

The discussion of the secret itself produced wank, because I said that Jack might actually be jealous of John and the Doctor even if the coupling was a rape scenario and naturally the JIbbering JIdiots jumped all over me, when I hadn't mentioned anyone other than Jack, The Doctor and John.


alba17 May 26 2009, 03:50:16 UTC
Hmmm, interesting scenario!

Did you ever read loveslashangst's John/Nine fic? (no non-con, just interesting pairing of John with the Doctor - fantastic too)


karaokegal May 26 2009, 03:54:11 UTC
Promise me it's a Ianto-free zone and give me a link, cause I'm definitely interested.

Thanks for reading and commenting. :)

I'll posting the new John/David shortly.


alba17 May 26 2009, 09:17:54 UTC
"What You Need": http://loveslashangst.livejournal.com/47093.html
Not a pinstriped inch in sight. Nor a blue-coated one for that matter.

Looking forward to John/David.


rose_cat May 28 2009, 07:17:51 UTC
Well, it took me a while to figure out how I wanted to comment on this. Partly because the multipart fic I've been messing around with for months has it happening for real, and I'm trying to get some complexity into it, especially regarding Jack and John's relationship. Which is damned hard given how little canon there is, and none at all addressing that -- the one "rehab" nobody brought up.

You could certainly have gone longer and more graphic (yeah, I'd read it too, going to hell or not ;) ), but it's powerful the way it is, very basic. No, I agree that Jack would never do that ("Mistake" is an AU canon), and thinking isn't the same as doing. But he'd have to wonder what the fantasy said about himself. Why does he need a "surrogate," and why his "ex"?


karaokegal May 28 2009, 16:34:24 UTC
The secret itself provoked a bit of wank, because I maintained that the idea of John raping the Doctor would actually get Jack jealous. That raised the whole "real-rape" vs "fic-non-con" issue. (And of course someone decided that my point about Jack being jealous of two people he really cares about was really a slam at Lord High Whiney Butt ( ... )


the_summoning_d July 24 2009, 18:44:49 UTC
Whoa 0.o How in the hell did I miss this? This is INCREDIBLE. Yeah, save me a seat on the bus to the Special Hell, but I'm at peace with my kinks.

Also: *jumps aboard the EXPAND + WRITE MOAR PLZ PLZ PLZ bandwagon*


karaokegal July 25 2009, 03:21:14 UTC
Glad you liked! At least you found it. Thanks so much for reading and commenting.

Strangely enough, I'm in sort of a similar boat to the mourners relative to my TW muse. I don't feel the burning desire to write because I don't need to fix anything. I don't have to prove how much Jack doesn't particularly need or want Ianto because the show actually proved it for me and helpfully got rid of him to boot.

But I'll definitely keep this one on the backburner and see what perks up.
And I definitely have J/I/G in the works for Halloween.


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