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hambelandjemima The first fifteen people to comment on this post get to request a drabble from me. In return, you have to post this meme in your journal. Post all fandoms you’re willing to write for.I may live to regret this, but here goes
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“So what do you reckon then, do you think the blokes are supposed to be queer for each other?”
Leave it to Philip to be able to start a discussion of character motivation while reaching for his Dunhills. John was trying to recover from what had just happened.
He groped for words through the sweaty haze that still surrounded him.
“I’ve tried asking Matthew a few times. Can’t get a straight answer, you should pardon the expression. I think there’s something there, but they’d never admit it. Gene would probably kill himself first.”
“Lucky thing we ain’t them.”
Lucky, indeed.
Glad you liked. I don't quite have my head around the John/Philip relationship, but it's fun to explore.
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