MMOM-Day 30 "The One Where K-Gal Loses It" Multi-fandom, meta-crack!fic.

May 30, 2008 22:46

Title: The One Where K-Gal Loses It
Fandoms: Torchwood/Life On Mars/House MD/Dynasty/Bones and just a smidge of RPS
Characters: Too numerous to mention.
Rating: Confused
Wordcount: 1260
Notes/Warnings/Apologies: It's meta, it's crack!, it's self-referential and it's a shameless rip-off heartfelt homage of Interference by daasgrrl, but it's day 30 and I AM ( Read more... )

mmom, rps, mmom 2008, life on mars, housefic, bones, torchwood, jack harkness

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Comments 25

drunken_hedghog May 31 2008, 09:06:12 UTC
It's taken me a few seconds to stop laughing long enough to type. This. Is. FANTASTIC! I adore it and am memming it.

Still grinning!

Oh and the Gordon Wyatt bit was my favourite. Love it!


secondsilk May 31 2008, 10:16:27 UTC
Hee! This is completely marvellous.
Great arguments.

daasgrrl wrote a fic with House and Wilson arguing with her, Interference.


karaokegal May 31 2008, 15:43:07 UTC
That's it. I knew it was either daasgrrl or topaz_eyes and just couldn't find it. Will get link and credit.

Glad you liked the story. :)


maxx02 May 31 2008, 13:47:14 UTC
lol! One of the best. Love it! It's like a sugar rush mixed with cocaine.

So Jack doesn't like the way you treat him? Wonder what John would have had to say...;)


karaokegal June 1 2008, 21:14:12 UTC
sugar rush mixed with cocaine.


I had a feeling Jack might get a little miffed at me by the end of this month. I didn't know it was going to turn into a full-blown rebellion.


chocolate_frapp May 31 2008, 15:17:33 UTC
13 is not hot.


karaokegal June 1 2008, 21:12:36 UTC
But Kumar Kutner is an idiot. What does he know?


chocolate_frapp June 2 2008, 15:23:46 UTC
heh. the only thing that could maybe salvage that character is if the show started doing a lot of Kumar in-jokes.


topaz_eyes May 31 2008, 22:08:57 UTC
Oh, BRILLIANT! All the voices are spot-on!


karaokegal June 1 2008, 21:11:51 UTC
Glad you liked. (And applause from a raccoon? Wow!)
Getting all the voices worried me no end, but by this time, they really were starting to talk to me.


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