MMOM Day 28-"Congratulations" The West Wing-Toby Zeigler

May 28, 2008 23:06

Title: Congratulations
Fandom: The West Wing
Character: Toby Zeigler
Wordcount: 615
Rating: R
Notes: Happy Birthday babykid528!
Takes place after "Six Meetings Before Lunch."
Thanks to hllangel for Beta, but any canon errors are all mine. Shout-out to my husband who loves Toby, but probably wouldn't be very happy about my writing this.

Four More Days! )

the west wing, mmom, mmom 2008, fanfic

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Comments 6

babykid528 May 29 2008, 14:52:05 UTC
YAY! Happy Birthday to Me!!!

You could take anyone from this show and write about them and I would be thrilled, since I love all the characters, but Josh, Sam, and Toby are totally my favorites and I don't read many Toby!fics, so this certainly was a treat. :-)

I love how you touch on the Toby/CJ friendship and the CJ/Danny ship and then the Toby/Sam ship, all of which make me a very happy birthday girl. Plus, this episode was wonderful. I love how you used the "Day of Jubilation" episode here. That's such a great episode and this is such an awesome ending to it.

I love this line:
That was it. Sam’s fingers caressing Toby’s beard, making the hairs stand up, and his toes curl.

And, of course, your end line is awesome too!! :-D

So, YAY! Thank you! This is totally perfect! XD


karaokegal May 29 2008, 18:15:07 UTC
I'm glad that I was able to give you a West Wing Wank for your bday. I know I had a West Wing fic last year (the Sam/Lisa E call-girl one) but not sure I did in on your exact day.

I love Toby, but his sexuality is hard to find, so I'm glad this worked for you.

Hope your Day Of Jubilation was spectacular.


daasgrrl June 5 2008, 13:15:47 UTC
Hee - this was one of the ones I mentally bookmarked, because although Toby Does Not Do It For Me, I did want to see what you'd do with it. I do rather like Sam, though, so this worked out very nicely :D


karaokegal June 5 2008, 16:01:15 UTC
Thanks for reading. Toby doesn't do it for me, per se, but I think he's one of the most fascinating characters on the show, and perhaps the most conflicted.


thecolourclear July 16 2009, 22:04:54 UTC
Toby! And CJ/Danny and Toby/Sam!
And masturbation!


karaokegal July 17 2009, 03:55:15 UTC
Ah, the Merry Month of Masturbation. I always have a good time and this was one of my favorites. Glad you liked.


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