MMOM Day 25-"Admitted We Were Powerless" Hill Street Blues Rated-R Wordcount-700

May 25, 2008 22:20

Title: Admitted We Were Powerless
Fandom: Hill Street Blues
Characters: JD LaRue/Frank Furillo/Joyce Davenport
Rating: R-Strong language
Wordcount: 700
Notes: Dedicated to mad_jaks. Thanks to hllangel for the look-over. I don't think I've done an 80's TV Show in this year's Merry Month, so here goes.

Our lives had become unmanageable )

mmom, hill street blues, mmom 2008, fanfic

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Comments 10

mad_jaks May 26 2008, 07:57:28 UTC
That is *so* JD's voice - total MCP womaniser!!
80s tv RULES - now if only I could get you to write St Elsewhere...

Actually on second thoughts maybe not - you'd probably give me Auschlander/skinny kid orderly (whose name escapes me right now)


karaokegal May 26 2008, 15:10:00 UTC
It was weird to jump into this and "hear" JD in my head and remember exactly what a prick he really was.

Glad you liked! For better or worse, I was never a St. Elsewhere person, but I have one more bit of 80's tv, I might have to write before the month is over.


mad_jaks May 26 2008, 15:30:52 UTC
I was never a St. Elsewhere person
I had a feeling you might say that - personally I had a thing for Mark Harmon's character in it (Okay, okay for Mark - I never did get over that one)


karaokegal May 27 2008, 16:24:53 UTC
Harmon was quite the hottie and is an excellent example of one of those guys who still has it BIG TIME. In fact, I think John Barrowman bears a stronger resemblance to a young Mark Harman than the much-vaunted Tom Cruise thing.


maddoggirl August 21 2008, 21:43:12 UTC
Heh, thanks for the link. HSB fandom is pretty dry (not surprising since it's been dead for twenty years :D), so this was exactly what I was after! It only serves to further my theory that Frank/anyone or anything is hawt. Spot-on JD as well.


karaokegal August 21 2008, 22:37:59 UTC
I'd almost forgotten how sexy Daniel J Travanti was in those first few season when it was all about Frank and Joyce constantly getting interrupted in the middle of doing the naughty. This was a fun one to write. I always had a soft spot for JD as well. mmom brings out a lot of craziness as well as buried fandoms.


sydpenguinbunny June 1 2022, 15:52:32 UTC
Oh my gosh, I know this is something like 15 years later, but I just stumbled upon this and it was great!! Your JD voice was so spot on, especially “ those alkies were all over you with the hugging” which made me laugh out loud because it’s so JD!


karaokegal July 7 2022, 13:52:30 UTC
Never too late for a lovely comment! Thanks for reading this. I had so much fun finding the voices for my fannish loves back in the day.


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