Star Trek-Into Darkness

May 26, 2013 14:51

Suspension of disbelief pretty much went out the window the moment....

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Comments 27

donutsweeper May 27 2013, 00:21:08 UTC
We went and saw this today as a family. The teens really liked it, although son admitted that it wasn't until afterwards that he realized the plot didn't make a lot of sense.

I.... don't feel like I wasted 3 hours of my life, but was unimpressed. BC was okay, but not the MASSIVE PRESENCE needed for that kind of part. The plot was laughably incomprehensible overall. Sulu and Checkov were massively underused, Scotty was random and the new chick's part was just kind of 'there'. I saw no point whatsoever for Nimoy to be there. Chris Pine's eyes are very blue and very nice. And ermm... yeah. That's about it.


karaokegal May 27 2013, 17:18:33 UTC
The ultra-blueness of Chris Pine's eyes is about the only thing that kept me from thinking Tony Dinozzo (Michael Weatherly) was Captain Kirk. Assuming it's not a super-close-up, I always have to check the captions on pictures to figure out which one it is.

The fact that BC just wasn't up to MASSIVE PRESENCE aspect of the role, made it feel like Stunt Casting. Although maybe JJ and BC made a deliberate decision for him NOT to go the BIG HAM place. Unfortunately without the actual physical presence, it really made him nothing but a generic baddie. When Spock was describing the Khan he knew, I thought young Spock was just going to say, "what the hell are you talking about?"


joanne_c May 27 2013, 02:08:36 UTC
I was sitting here staring at the screen trying to think who the other Who person was and I remembered Simon Pegg eventually.

Agreed on entertaining overall.

I figure the messing with canon can all be explained by AU (fanwank, but I can live with it). I even think that's an acceptable explanation for a white Khan but apparently that makes me truly evil according to some. But people are working harder than they need to to be offended. Plus it was never going to appeal to me once he wasn't Benicio Del Toro (though I didn't mind Cumberbatch at all in and of himself, but I agree with all you said). I've even decided because the only person who said "Noonien Singh" was Nimoy!Spock, new!Khan doesn't have to have that as his name if I don't want him to.

I'm now very curious as to your opinion on Kirk/Spock in general, even more so in the old series, given what you say about the womanising here.


karaokegal May 27 2013, 17:25:11 UTC
OMG! Benecio Del Toro would have been perfect, both in the physicality and the ability to OWN the screen and chew up the scenery when necessary.

I don't think Kirk being a canon womanizer invalidates Kirk/Spock, but you won't be surprised to know that I'm not a big fan of happy/fluffy/untroubled Kirk/Spock. And as you know, I read some of the earlier fics when suggesting that they had a sexual relationship was pretty revolutionary. I'll buy it in a heart-beat, but only with all the angst, pain, self-doubt, social ramifications etc. that it would have either in 60's world Trek or in whatever Utopia the reboot postulates. This ain't late Heinlein where everyone screws everyone with impunity.


joanne_c May 27 2013, 23:52:45 UTC
I know. I'm still disappointed about that, to be honest.

So not shocked to know that. *nods* Well, the idea is that the future is supposed to be, if not a Utopia, at least a place where that discrimination is not done any more, but it's more than possible to write fic where it's still a complication - even if it's the cliche of never thinking they were into men, which I've seen treated interestingly in all the Trek series fanfiction I've read. But it tends to be more OTP centred, or at least pairing centred, which can be offputting in other ways depending on how it's handled.

Oh and the Chekhov thing was a nod to Wrath Of Khan/Walter Koenig's later casting, where Chekov in original Trek hadn't met Khan because he hadn't been cast, but Khan said he was on the ship, apparently. And it gave me fodder for my Scotty/Chekov ship so I'm good ;)


photoash May 27 2013, 02:40:59 UTC
I was so excited when Noel was on screen! I was like omg it's Mickey working for Star fleet <3 <3 <3

Who else was Who alum? I'm not good at spotting actors XD

I thought it was an okay action movie. I had the same feeling I have watching the first few episodes of Elementary - it's a nice show, but you shouldn't look at it as too close to the source material it's just inspired by :) (for the record so far in the 4 eps I've watched I feel like Elementary is as much about sherlock holmes as house md was which is fine - I was needing another buddy cop show since all the ones I liked aren't around anymore).


joanne_c May 27 2013, 03:17:55 UTC
Simon Pegg (who it took me ages to remember) was in the first season of New Who. I think he also did the Confidentials.


photoash May 27 2013, 03:21:40 UTC
OH :) thanks I sorta remember that.


karaokegal May 27 2013, 17:42:05 UTC
He was The Editor in the Long Game. He also narrated the first season Confidentials.


starhawk2005 May 27 2013, 15:40:03 UTC
Star Fleet is now borrowing their on-ship prison cells from the Avengers Initiative.

*giggles* I have no objection as long as Loki is the one in the cell.

I practically expected Khan to call someone a mewling quim.

ROTFL! You're on a roll this week, I see.

Then I guess you must've seen Avengers? For some reason, I thought you hadn't...


karaokegal May 27 2013, 17:32:14 UTC
I did---mostly because it's one of those lemming things. If my dash is going to be full of something, I should have some idea where the Zeitgeist is at the moment.


starhawk2005 May 27 2013, 17:47:42 UTC
Did you like it?


gritsinmisery May 27 2013, 18:56:44 UTC
Like #4: IKR? If he hadn't announced that Tribble was already necrotic, I'da expected it to pop out fresh puffballs any second.


karaokegal May 27 2013, 18:58:45 UTC
Thank you! That wasn't a Tribble, it was a throw cushion.


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