100 TV Shows #63-Star Trek

May 25, 2013 17:28

Since I'm leaving in about an hour to see Star Trek-Into Darkness and since I'm seeing my mother next week.

Star Trek

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Fics, pimpage and various memes

Space-the final frontier )

star trek, 100 things

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Comments 14

tourmaline1973 May 26 2013, 06:46:22 UTC
I haven't seen Star Trek since the 1980s, when BBC2 ran all the episodes in a Friday teatime slot and we more or less watched as a family. I remember my Dad laughing at Shatner's overacting and the so-called scary aliens.

Of all the subsequent material, I've seen bits of some of the movies - where Spock dies in a glass cage, and where they return to San Francisco. I'm an unusual creature in being into space stuff for real but I'm not particularly bothered about sci-fi, but I love how the actors from the original series & movie have become involved in promoting STEM and NASA, and all the tales that the actors tell about being at conventions and having middle-aged men tell them stories that begin 'I wanted to be like you (ie their character) when I was a kid' and end with them talking about how they're now a successful surgeon or something similar. Star Trek might vary in quality if you peer at it to closely, but in terms of its place in popular culture and influence it's awesome.


karaokegal May 26 2013, 19:20:56 UTC
You (the general you) and I (in particular) can never really get away from the place in pop culture and the influence it had on the kids who grew up with it and went on to shape the world. (Similar to Moff and RTD and those generations growing up with Who on your side of the pond.)

I think I saw all the movies at least through the "Guess Who's Coming To Dinner" one, but then really lost interest in the big-screen stuff.

I mostly watched the reboot because by then I was back in Fandom via House and everything that came with it, so I had to keep up with what all my on-line peeps were squeeeeing about.


chocolate_frapp May 26 2013, 15:32:34 UTC
the Trek characters who I had a crush on were Picard and Spock.
The movies were a very mixed bag but i think the "Even number good, odd number bad" thing is total bullshit.


karaokegal May 26 2013, 19:22:23 UTC
Agreed on that point. Star Trek: The Still Photograph was NEVER going to live up to expectations, but apparently Executive Meddling didn't help. Wrath Of Khan was as good as it got because they got a "real" director and Ricardo Montalbaln PWNED anything he did until the day he died.


dref22 May 26 2013, 19:16:49 UTC
My first experience with Star Trek was the TOS movies. I watched Voyage Home and then the Khaaaaaaan movie and I loved them. Around the same time, our TV was airing TNG and I caught an episode from season 1 and I fell in love with it. I quickly decided to watch the rest of the TOS movies and I became a Trekker or Trekkie or whatever LOL. I loved every TV show except Enterprise and I have mixed feelings about the reboot.

But I know one thing: TNG is forever going to be my show.


karaokegal May 26 2013, 19:24:38 UTC
The bits I've seen of TNG give me embarassment squick as well. In his own way Patrick Stewart is every bit as much of a canned ham as Shatner.

Of the movies, I think Wrath of Khan is the best, and I have some very strong feels about the newest movie which I'll post behind a spoiler cut in a sep post. I know there are some people who still care about these things.


dref22 May 26 2013, 20:12:04 UTC
LOL I can say the first season and many episodes of the second season were very cheesy (hello writers' strike!) but I still think the rest are perfect haha. I'm lucky I don't get the Shatner feels from Stewart. XD

I can't wait!!!


hansolo5 May 26 2013, 19:55:22 UTC
First fo all, Kudos to your mom!

So I am happy every time I realize House was a powerful show for dormant fangirls all over the world :-)

I used to watch Star Trek when I was about 10, and I had a soft spot for McCoy. My sister for Spock, and our girlfriend for Kirk. I remember we used to play the show in the streets...did you? I used to watch Space 1999 also, and since our TV aired old tv shows and new ones at the same time, I did not have any problem at loving them both. And most of all , of course, Star Wars at the movies. I just love SciFi. But as for other ST series than TOS, I can understand some people when they tell me " SsciFy? Uhmmm, I don't get it!" I just don't get those series. For me, ST is only TOS. This 44 years old woman thinks those episodes are embarassing to watch now, but it's always that 10 years old kid who is still watching them :-)


karaokegal May 27 2013, 18:39:05 UTC
If I could get back in touch with my younger self, I could probably get into it again and enjoy it on DVD. I'm not quite there yet. For me, 90% percent of it just brings on a massive case of "what was I thinking?"

My mom is one of the original fan-girls and manage to parlay her way into Big Name Fandom and eventually becoming a published author, so yes, Kudos indeed.


joanne_c May 27 2013, 02:16:07 UTC
I'm always going to love TNG for bringing me into Trek (though some of the old shows now...). I watched TOS when it aired a few years back because I was curious. I only ever really liked the episode with Joan Collins (and I was curious about that because, well, it was Joan) but a lot of the original was... um. Not as good as people think it was. I liked some of the movies - 6 in particular was pretty damn good in and of itself.

Voyager was my Trek. It was the first show I was obsessed with after slash, so it was where I did most of my fic beginnings. But it had bad moments too. Still, I love it and am watching re-runs still.

But yes. I have some good memories of TOS.


karaokegal May 27 2013, 18:37:14 UTC
City On The Edge of Forever (The Joan Collins episode) is certainly one of the better ones, but even then there's a lot of cringe-worthy. Sometimes it's fun to watch the eps for the "Hey It's That Guy" factor, including Teri Garr in Gary Seven.


joanne_c May 28 2013, 00:02:02 UTC
It certainly was, but yes. In general much cringe-worthy. I liked that - Teri Garr and Jill Ireland are the two I was most interested in outside of Joan Collins. Oh and Diana Muldaur, because she'd been in TNG (and LA Law, of course). I've also had some "it's that guy" happen later, like Susan Oliver (original green skinned alien babe) in a Liz Taylor movie I saw recently.


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