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Comments 17

stackcats October 31 2012, 07:44:25 UTC
Wow, this is great! I'm not the biggest fan of AUs either, but this is really beautifully written, emotional and touching. Love it.


karaokegal November 1 2012, 05:44:13 UTC
Thank you! This was a bitch to write and I had doubts the whole way. Really glad it worked for you.


chocolate_frapp October 31 2012, 15:29:47 UTC
(repeatedly snaps fingers as applause)

I dig it, baby.

(puts on Kind Of Blue)


karaokegal November 1 2012, 05:44:50 UTC
Thanks, Daddy-o!

I'm really glad you liked it. HAPPY HALLOWEEN!


vanillafluffy November 1 2012, 00:35:30 UTC
This is aces! I don't think it's pretentious (Granted, I do present tense as a matter of course), I'd call it soulful noir, if anything. Great AU! Loved everybody's alternate self, and I'd love to see them and Chase On the Road.



karaokegal November 1 2012, 05:46:50 UTC
Thank you! I think it's the combo of 1st person and present tense that made me so self-conscious, but it's the only way I could envision Kerouac-esque Wilson telling the story.

I really wanted to challenge myself this year and I'm certainly satisfied that I met that goal.


vanillafluffy November 1 2012, 14:25:02 UTC
I understand self-conscious...I once wrote an story that was AU, set during WWI *and* was told in epistolary form. (It was first person, past tense, which is definitely not my usual!) And because of the era it was set in, the language had to be more formal. And I agonized over it, worrying that it would seem too stiff, that it wouldn't be seen as appropriate for the time and place. It ended up being one of the more successful things I've done; I'd include it in an anthology of my 10 Best, if I had such a thing.



kiss_me_cait23 November 2 2012, 19:22:55 UTC
Ooh. I admit I've only seen enough House to fill the occasional TNT marathon, but everybody feels in character. The atmosphere and the writing are lovely--you should get pretentious more often, it suits you. ;)


karaokegal November 10 2012, 16:38:57 UTC
Thanks, sweetie! This was a very difficult project to put together, but I'm happy with the effect I acheived. I'm still not crazy about AU, but I now have more respect for the work involved in creating something that's both true to original canon and the AU form, in the cases where the writers do manage to accomplish this.


flywoman November 5 2012, 11:47:58 UTC
I find it hard to imagine Wilson as a beat poet (RSL, yes), but I thought this worked really, really well. It probably helps that I just watched a Castle episode set in the 40s and sort of had those speech patterns fresh in my head. Really fun costume!


karaokegal November 10 2012, 16:40:18 UTC
Thanks sweetie! (And that was a fun Castle episode, although Ryan's "Boyos" did start to grate a it.) I think this year's turn out may be a sign that "Come As You're Not" has run its course, but it was certainly a high note to go out on.


flywoman November 11 2012, 03:03:57 UTC
I agree the "boyos" definitely got old. Also, Stana's accent came and went in a very distracting way during the flashbacks. It was a fun ep, though.


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