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Comments 6

cuddyclothes October 30 2012, 16:37:12 UTC
Wow! Evil!Sadistic!Wilson! What a great ending to a fascinating story. That last line was a real kicker. And so true.

Tiny note: after House's thought, the entire story is in italics. I had to ignore it, but it would make it easier to truly appreciate the amazing hotness.


karaokegal October 30 2012, 16:53:08 UTC
html borking now fixed. Thanks for the heads up.

Glad you were willing to go on such a dark journey with me. I knew it wouldn't be a popular read based both on the Wilson/Park pairing and the bleakness of the vision, but this is how I see House and Wilson by the last season and why I think the "hopeful ending" of the finale is such arrant BS.


daasgrrl October 31 2012, 01:41:11 UTC
I still loved it. I think the reason I enjoy your fic is that I don't really care how dark it gets; it's the codependency that does it for me, and even though I prefer them happy, it doesn't matter as long as they're stuck with each other *g*


karaokegal October 31 2012, 03:09:29 UTC
I'm glad you liked. After all these years we still have the same basic similarities and differences in how we see them. (Although I was willing to entertain a lot more hope and a hint of fluff when you wrote "Nothing Left To Lose.)

Stay tuned for Come As You're Not fic, which is in somewhat the same vein. Also VERY dark, though. And really, really pretentious.


hansolo5 November 1 2012, 17:25:48 UTC
I have to tell you, I didn't comment before because Wilson/Park pairing left me a bit unbelieving.
But since I know you never let me down, I was sure the epilogue would have been epic!!


karaokegal November 3 2012, 16:07:34 UTC
Thanks sweetie! I'm glad you were willing to go on the whole journey and trusted me to get you to a safe place. I still believe that Wilson would hit on Park to get back at House and because of his own issues, end up thinking he cared about her.


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