"The Hollow Men" Torchwood drabble Jack/John Rating-G

Jul 17, 2012 21:46

Title: The Hollow Men
Fandom: Torchwood
Paring: Jack Harkness/John Hart
Rating: G
Wordcount: 100
Notes: Written for TW100 Challenge #244. Reverse Fandom Challenge-Beauty and the Beast. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: He'd been pretending not to care.

Stood up, broken-hearted, again )

jack/john, tw100, fanfic, drabble, john hart, angst, torchwood, jack harkness

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Comments 15

tardisjournal July 18 2012, 05:15:38 UTC
I loved this! You fit in so much it seemed far longer than 100 words. I can imagine that's exactly how Jack feels.



karaokegal July 18 2012, 05:33:20 UTC
Thank you! I haven't drabbled for awhile, so it felt good to get back to. I think John means so much more to Jack than he can ever let on.


unfeathered July 18 2012, 06:11:48 UTC
Eee! Always love me a bit of Jack/John! :-)

I've been roleplaying my Jack with the same John for the last three years or so and I agree so much with the sentiment expressed here. It's very similar to Doctor/Master - a bit of the old life he knows he shouldn't want but still can't help wanting, and it hurts, but it's *so much fun*! :-)


karaokegal July 18 2012, 06:37:06 UTC
Thank you! It drives me bonkers when people try to undervalue Jack and John's connection. The intensity of the fight/kissing scene in KKBB is so far beyond anything we saw with anyone else. IF the team hadn't walked in when they did, things might have gone quite differently.


unfeathered July 18 2012, 06:46:34 UTC
Oh god, yes. I just wish we could have had more of John, even though it *is* the same as the Master in that you'd always be just going over the same old ground, but the *chemistry* there was amazing. Such a tantalising little teaser!


rose_cat July 18 2012, 11:22:50 UTC
IF the team hadn't walked in when they did, things might have gone quite differently.

...and it would have had to be shown on STARZ :D


rose_cat July 18 2012, 11:44:36 UTC

John...knew what the Agency took and what it left behind.

Very well, and succinctly, put.

It's too bad that Jack wasn't able to maintain his connection with the Doctor long enough to have a chance to bond with him over the immortality/live-too-long/only-one-of-his-kind issues that they ended up sharing. Maybe if Nine hadn't regenerated when he did...

Since Moffat did create Jack in the first place, though, maybe he'll bring them together again one day. If only.

And I'd really like to have seen Jack's reaction in the event of running into John again post-COE. Other authors have explored that, I'm sure. (As could you -- hint, hint :) )


karaokegal July 18 2012, 19:45:24 UTC
Thanks. Shippers of all stripes like to understate the Jack/John connection and I will have none of it.

Well, I did do ONE drabble which had them together after Jack got a certain post-CoE mission out of his system. I also did a bunch of Jack/John/Lorenzo drabbles during the Drabble-a-Day project. Those were fun.

I HAVE to believe we will got a Moff-written i.e. real Jack meeting up with the 11th Doctor, if only for the anniversary. Of course the idea of Jack running into River and both of them trying to keep their previous entanglements hush-hush from the Doctor is one of my fondest fanfic dreams.


rose_cat July 19 2012, 02:02:21 UTC
I'll have to check those drabbles out!


sandysan2013 July 19 2012, 01:30:25 UTC


karaokegal July 21 2012, 16:45:06 UTC
IKR? Poor Jack. Especially considering what he's stuck with.


a_phoenixdragon August 10 2012, 00:52:43 UTC
Ohhh, honey...this was beautiful and oh-so-hurty-accurate!



karaokegal August 10 2012, 19:57:34 UTC
Thanks sweetie! I still think the looks that Jack and John exchange in KKBB and Exit Wounds speak volumes of their connection.


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