MMOM Day 9-"So Far Away" Numb3rs Megan/Larry Rating-PG13 Wordcount: 100

May 09, 2012 15:33

Title: So Far Away
Fandom: Numb3rs
Pairing: Megan/Larry
Rating: PG13
Notes: Written for MMOM 2012, Day 9. Prompt from numb3rs100. May Monthly Theme: Forensics.
May Challenge Genre: Romance. Current Prompt: Trace. Unbeta'd. Comments and concrit welcome.
Summary: Separation is a challenge, but it's worse for Larry.

There are so many dreams I have yet to find. )

numb3rs, mmom, mmom 2012, fanfic, drabble, numb3rs100

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Comments 12

lilacs_roses May 11 2012, 18:11:56 UTC
ROFL love that tagline! "... no one could hear her scream."

All I could think of, as I read it, was a blip I saw with an older Sigorney Weaver and Jamie Lee Curtis.

Weaver: (something like) I think you had the scarier movie, guy running around with an ax.

Curtis: Oh please, in space, no one can hear you scream?!


karaokegal May 12 2012, 17:16:10 UTC
I'm glad the tag-line worked because I was futzing around with it up until the last minute and still wasn't sure it was quite right.
Really appreciate the comment.


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